Miya Levaru



3 years, 6 months ago


Full Name: Miya Levaru

Gender: Female

Species: Unspecified

Age: 30

Birthday: July 15th

Height: 5’5”

Weight: 110.4lbs

Passive traits

Can alter the temperatures of things she touches

Can swim in fire, lava, magma, etc.

Is able to conceal herself in even the shortest flames


Can sense the Chaos Energy of others

Is incapable of sickness or disease

Occupation: Guardian of the White Flame

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Birthplace: Lava Reef Zone

Interests/Likes ~

Chaos Energy, Lit environments, Volcanoes, Admiration, Seduction, Conflict

Disinterests/Dislikes ~

Misuse of Chaos Energy, Stoicism, Bodies of water, Corruption, Forests


Miya was born and raised in a town within Lava Reef Zone alongside her Father, her mother departing to parts unknown when Miya was two years old. Long before Miya became a guardian, she lived rambunctiously within a civilization deep into Lava Reef Zone, compact with many fire elementals of various skills. She was no different, being a Tiger who could use her fire to speed through nearly anything and anyone, increasing her power and launching like a burning missile. She was also a prodigy with her fire elemental abilities, and combined with her speed, made her quite formidable as a result. While wasn't the strongest, she was the fastest. Miya was also quite the daredevil before she became a guardian, known by everyone in the town she grew up in as the hardiest woman around. 

When Miya was chosen to be the next guardian, the town was skeptical of someone like her being a guardian. The white flame is a sacred power that must be taken seriously and treated with care for the next guardian's reign. Nevertheless, they were partially right in their worries, as she was quite reckless with her own power, but much of it wasn't her fault, so to speak. She was never informed of the passive traits being a guardian to the white flame holds, one of those being so hot, literally, that her at-the-time clothing couldn't handle the heat, and burned off in the process of conversion. 


[Character Information]

Personality/Traits ~

Miya is the kind of character to first come off as modest and caring before seeing how far they’re willing to go and push the boundaries. She has her priorities mainly set on those who’re endowed in the ways of Chaos Energy, determining the good from the bad in her mind. She has no problems laying down authority when she has to, her powers and her appearance making her feel like a goddess of sorts. While she can get seductive, she commands respect as her words are not just hot air.

Characteristics ~

Off of appearance alone, it’s easy to see she’s not of a specific species, the closest being relative to Chaos due to her feet carrying resemblances. However, she doesn’t classify as a particular species at all, and remains an ambiguity in that aspect. When enraged, her pure white eyes become solid red, the orange portions of her body becoming white, like a palette switch of sorts. She also almost never walks, and is practically always floating wherever she goes due to the soles of her feet being so passively potent in pyrokinetics, hah, that they leave burning skid marks whenever they touch the surface of anything flammable.

Powers/Abilities ~

Miya's white flames are the result of decades upon decades of past fire elementals adding to its prowess. From pillars to pools of infernos, to fire blasts of many calibers, Miya's fire is extremely dangerous as well as versatile. With her general body being made of stable flames, Miya is also able to restore her stamina with the flames of others in due time. The shorter the flame she absorbs, the less stamina she reclaims, and vice versa. Her status as the guardian of the white flame also comes with the benefit of being able to resist and nullify light elemental attacks, being able to either take their hits, counter it with her own for easy empowerment, and sending it back with increase power.

On top of her offensive prowess thanks to her flames supplying her with so much strength, she can also support others in a fight or just in general. Carrying a small piece of wind elemental knowledge, she uses it to boost the speed of either herself or her allies. With the same knowledge, she can purify the air around her, should it be inhospitable in any way. This particular skill isn't made for combat, but more so made for support like her previous wind elemental ability.

[Combat Information]

Battle Experience: 1 Year

Battle Preferences: Varied

Statistics ~

Attack: Average
Defense: Average
Special Attack: Beyond Advanced
Special Defense: Above Average
Speed: Beyond Advanced
Stamina: Average
Wisdom: Advanced
Charisma: Average

Elemental Strengths ~


Elemental Weaknesses ~


Elemental Neutrality ~


Battle Style ~

Because of Miya being a guardian, she has to keep her fighting form stable, and improve herself overtime. Due to her endless flight, she prefers an aerial battle, and will play the evasive game for as long as she needs to. Every new skill Miya makes adds to the white flame's arsenal for the next bearer's time. Despite having 15 years of battling experience, she's only been a guardian for three of those 15 years, and still has a bit to learn about combat, save for what she already knows

Should you fight her in a hot area or a place surrounded by fire, it’s going to be a lot more annoying to deal with her evasive style. Capable of concealing herself in flames of any caliber, she can act like a make shift jump scare, lack of better words, for those who cannot track her movements. The indicator of her being in a flame of any kind is a subtle white tint that dorms around said flame, hard to see from afar, but being close enough can make it visible to the naked eye.

[Additional Facts]

The clothing Miya had prior to her current was burned off the moment she became the next guardian, as they could not stand the potency of the white flame's power.

She is capable of crying, however, her tears are scalding to others.

Her favorite music genre is Drum and Bass. This is only based off of listening to it once, and that was before she became a guardian.

Miya taking a shower results in a LOT of steam. So much that nothing can be seen and could potentially seem like that portion of the area is on fire from all the steam.

She’s afraid of things bigger than her.

Miya doesn't have a mouth, but can still eat and drink as if she did.

Miya's clothing were made in Lava Reef Zone, the same place she grew up in. The rings she has on her arms and legs are merely aesthetic, and have no special properties.

If Miya wants to have new clothing, she has to have it specially tailored for her, as any other kind of clothing will burn away without a second thought. Her current clothing is the only piece she has in her wardrobe.

If Miya were to die, the white flame that powers her will separate from her body, and return to the shrine from which she was converted. Should the fire be tampered with as it tries to get to shrine, be it intercepted, absorbed, or anything in between, it will incinerate the life force of anything and everything within a 100 mile radius. 

She is an only child.