
7 years, 5 months ago



Name: Azriel 

Nicknames: Az, Azzy

Age: Unknown, possibly in his late twenties to early thirties when he died

Gender: Male

Species: Starrobber

Occupation: Priest of Helgin

Orientation: Pansexual?

Relationship Status: Single



Body Build: Lean

Hair color/style: Black dreads

Eye color: Bright orange

Defining features: Has a stomach mouth and a heart shaped smile

Likes: Socializing, children, people in general, flowers, friendship, sweet dessert foods, fruits, experiencing new cultures, traveling and seeing new places 

Dislikes: Cruelity, racism, people who hurt others for sport or fun

Personality: Azriel is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. It is rare that there's not a smile on his face. If you ever need a hug or someone to listen to your woes Az will do his best to be there for you.

Relationships: Daimhin, childhood friend and travel companion; Zenith, father; Aegis, brother; Lucien, friend; Jericho, friend

History: When he was alive Azriel lived a rather privellaged life. He could want for nothing. But thanks to his father's teachings he remained kind and modest, if not a bit mischevious at times. He and Daimhin grew up together and were practically inseparable; if there was one, the other was bound to be somewhere nearby. Eventually as he grew Azriel began to travel, much like his father, with his childhood friend by his side as his personal guard and companion. His life wasn't always easy but it was good and he was happy.

But one day it all came to an end when the duo faced an especially brutal attack. His dearest friend and companion fought valiantly but suffered crippling wounds. Azriel knew if he didn't do something his friend would die.

He fought bravely but in the end Azriel was killed trying to protect his friend. And so his mortal life ended and his undead life began.