[DisWint] Wintaster



7 years, 1 month ago



Name [Wintaster]
Theme [info]
Species [Fusion]
Height [7' 8"]
Gender [Male]
Orientation [Bi]

HTML Theme ovob


Wintaster is a fusion, the combined being of Disaster and Winter, he is both of them. He's an avid reader, and obsessive about messes, brushes his teeth three times a day, and will paint on you if you sit near him long enough. He's extremely caring and very concerned for others comfort levels, he'll go out of his way in attempts to make sure you're comfortable, and is in general, very sweet. He tends to get frustrated angrily, but wouldn't ever hurt anyone, though he might toss his things on the floor in his frustration. Wintaster is very flirtatious and outgoing, he's an extrovert to the max, and is excellent at socializing, but definitely has issues getting jokes, though dark humor and sarcasm is definitely his forte in that area.

Wintaster first fused a long time ago, and it was an accident, Disaster didn't mean to- it's just something that happens if he really likes someone and is near enough to them for long enough. Winter ended up tearing one of their wings off in a panic, and caused them to unfuse, they were both fine, if freaked out. They ended up fusing every now and again for fun, before deciding to fuse nigh-on permanently, and have been Wintaster currently for about twenty three years. He lives with Discord, Steady, and Moonlight in their castle.

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