Esther Black



3 years, 6 months ago


This character is going through a revamp to fit this verse (mostly just to fit into the lore) semi-one offs in this story now!

unsure about the last name still so it's kinda like a placeholder but also something i wanna consider?

Rabbit/ Hare (whatever's the bigger one) - Red

  • unknown amount of souls
  • very cutesy and playful, actually a smartass full of snark (even towards the other demons)
  • maybe a trickster? plays along with [Cat Demon] (maybe?)
rules of the demons in this world
  • they don't have a "physical" form in the physical world
  • their only goal is to become fully realized of their power and take over the humans of the physical world
  • however, they have to rely on humans themselves to have a "physical" connection to the world
  • they prey on humans to create a pact with them
  • make them sell their souls and become witches
  • or maybe whatever life essence that makes that person them? (like a precious memory or an emotion)
  • in exchange for their souls, the demon grants the witch magical powers
  • they attend the witch, letting them use the demon's powers however they wish, but i mean the demons mostly wants to make the witches use their powers for evil
  • as the demon collects a soul, they're able to use the soul to become "alive" and be in the physical world
  • every demon needs a LOT of souls for themselves if they want to become fully recognized as an all powerful demon in the mortal realm
  • idk if each demon should have a specific "type" of power or it should be whatever power the witches are willing to conjure? maybe they have a "buff" on a specific type?
  • should i also make it like a jojo stand where the demons are connected to the witches they made a contract with? i just want the witches to have familiars that appear with them too
  • all demons have an animal iconography, act as familiars, they both have a fully black and fully white version of the same animal
  • all demons have a black and white pattern, but their eyes are unnaturally different from one another. their pupils also have a different pattern from one another
  • when a human accepts a demon's contract, they become a witch. depending on which demon they made a contract with, their eyes turn into that specific demon's colour

more fun and playful compared to the other demons but mostly just an act. she can act all cutesy and charm others by looking innocent and uses that to her advantage. she's really more sarcastic and can jab others (gio) w/ her snarky remarks, but only lets it show if she's around others she knows and/ or she's getting annoyed. (she also likes tea)

voice claim lmao