


3 years, 7 months ago


Marius belonged to what one could call an odd child, who grew up into a very odd adult. Subject of bizarre rituals, fervent worshipping, and all the grandeur of a deity, Marius' emotional core is a very conflicted one. He has this overactive sense of self always clawing at him, a supreme arrogance and god complex he desperately tries to keep under wraps. Not remembering the specifics helps, as does being so powerless and alone in the new world he calls home, well, until he finds the welcoming community of Shop Street that is. But they've got no time for time bombs like him, so he just tries to enjoy the egalitarian vibe and push his delusions to the back of his mind. Well, it doesn't always work out like that, and relapses are somewhat common, but he does his best to live without hurting anyone else, fade into the background and only join in the festivities when everyone's doing it. Looking so, fancy, does not help matters, so he often wears heavy clothing that obscures much of him, though he can't hide the halos. Time will tell if he can truly shake his past and move into the present, but he's worried. He's heard tell that Necrobies are all ruled by the emotions projected onto them, that there's simply nothing they can do about it. Others have dismissed this as an overgeneralization but the thought remains. Does that mean, he's destined to be a bad person? No matter what?

Does it?