Taeko Kanjiru



3 years, 6 months ago


“I don’t want this quirk anymore.”

Name:  Taeko Kanjiru 感じる妙子

Age: 19

Gender: Cis female

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Demi-bisexual

Personal pronoun (JPN): Watashi

Birth Date: November 28

Western Zodiac: Sagittarius 

Blood Type: A

Ethnicity: Japanese

Language(s): Japanese 

Species: Human

Favorite Food: Unagi don

Least Favorite Food: Candied squid

Status: Alive

( Passed out for 2 days out of that week - chapter 240 )

Location: PLF

Abilities: Qurik - Pathokinesis 

Affiliation: LOV, PLF 

Occupation: Villain - PLF Lieutenant - Black Regiment

Biological Parents: bio dad, bio mom

Legal Guardian: Bio aunt, mom's side

Siblings: n/a

Seiyuu claim: Yui Ishikawa

English VA claim: Kira Buckland


Height: 5’3” / 160 cm

Weight: 120 lbs / 54 kg

Hair Color: Pink

Eye Color: Blue

Distinguishing Features: 2 gaps on each eyebrow from a phase of over-plucking the area. Cuts her hair a little sometime during the 4 month time skip as well as buys a new outfit to reflect what she now likes and can afford for the first time without worry. Her initial outfit gets tattered and ripped during the MLA battle.

Piercings/Tattoos/other body mods: Surprisingly no modifications at this point. If she’s doing anything, she’d rather have it done properly. She lacked the funds for the longest time until the PLF arc. May consider ear piercings and a small tattoo going forward.


Taeko is initially a reserved and fiercely independent individual. She is not the most outwardly expressive person so it is rare to know exactly what she’s feeling unless she were to tell you- good luck asking that in the first place! She’s not approachable unless she comes to you first in all honesty. She can be quite stubborn and set on taking what she wants, which in all honesty, she doesn’t exactly want many things; she’s been met with a vast amount of neglect and disappointment that she doesn’t exactly get her hopes up for the things she’d like to have. She is the type of person who in fact does have a lot to say but no confidence that someone will actually take the time to hear her out or truly “get” her. She’s a little hardened by society and her upbringing, the lack of reliable adults in her formative years has pushed her to become highly self-reliant. All things considered, she is relatively a calm person unless irritated or provoked. She is also mostly a level-headed person until thoughts of her ultimate goal enter her mind-- the sought after removal of her quirk. 


  • Her ability to build up walls - has helped her work independently and become self sufficient.

  • Carefulness - she is a calculating person who takes only reasonable risks when it comes to who she interacts with and how she conducts herself in public. Her quirk is not trained properly but she has gone to great lengths to keep it from activating outside of her control. In order to do this, she hums a song quietly to ground herself.

  • Loyal - she has been burned by people to a point of frustration where she wouldn’t let herself do the same to others. She loathes turncoats and flakiness and will always be upfront if she can’t do something in the first place. This is under the assumption she has people she cares enough to be loyal towards in the first place.

  • Adaptable. She’s been pushed around enough places early on in life, had to make do with whatever circumstance she found herself in.


  • Her ability to build up walls - it’s shut her out from the very things she craves, which she has buried deep - human connections.

  • Her quirk abilities remained lacking until the MLA arc. She never received nor wanted formal training for it. When she first made peace with it and herself, greater potential unlocked.

  • Tunnel-vision. While she is determined, her main goal causes her to lose some sense of her more careful side. Because she is so set on finding a way to remove her quirk, she can’t focus on the long-term implications of doing so via getting involved with people she likely shouldn’t. The fact that she fell into the LOV and not a different shady organization is actually a miracle somehow.


  • Music + her guitar
  • Animals, especially baby animals
  • street food vendors
  • Fireworks
  • Reliable and trustworthy people


  • her quirk
  • cold + damp places
  • people who don’t hold themselves accountable for their actions
  • People who would drop you at the drop of a hat


Her primary goal is to get rid of her quirk. 

One of Taeko most consistent and long running goals has been to have complete control of her quirk and perfect usage of it. It is deeply ingrained in her beliefs that it was the lack of control of her quirk rather than the quirk itself that made her mother give up on raising her. While she doesn’t acknowledge this head on, the lingering resentment she feels to her quirk and herself is worked out in her training of it. She literally practiced on crowds of unsuspecting people in order to stretch her limits and see if she could master not dealing with the after

The League of Villains. Since they became mainstream news, it had been her goal to join ranks with the league. This mainly ties in with her need for survival. Ideally, Taeko wants to only rely on herself because her trust is so limited. But she rationalized that there is a reason for the existence of the league beyond the sake of committing criminal acts. Her belief is that the league is a place where outcasts congregate, free of most restrictions while being able to somehow continue to operate. She wanted to become involved to see if this theory was correct and to see what it could provide 


Taeko doesn’t usually have any major outward reactions to the things that scare her. However, she screamed and jumped when she came across Shigaraki sleeping while standing up in the hideout one night sometime after she joined. It was as if every survival instinct was thrown out that window, a moment that demonstrates the unspoken comfort and security the league had brought, catching her off guard. No one got enough sleep that night after the fact.

Villain + Quirk Profile

Alias: Emotion Villain

Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk name: Pathokinesis

Description: Allows the wielder to manipulate the emotions of others. If you look closely, you will see the pupils of the user’s eyes light up with a glowing white ring around the outer rims. (initially manifested as an uncontrollable force that impressed Taeko’s strongest emotions on others near her. Later on “evolves” to become more sophisticated in the way of influencing the production or decrease in certain hormones)

Quirk Abilities: Can manipulate the emotions of others to what the user wants, one emotion at a time, and can affect just one person or multiple within the area of effect. She can also adjust the intensity of the emotion she is manipulating (a hint of feeling blue to full-on sobbing and being unable to do much out). 


  • Initially, before the quirk got an “upgrade” the user needed to make mutual eye contact with the person or people she was planning to use it on. With more training, she will eventually be able to shift between using it on one person at a time using it as an area of effect type of power where it will affect others as long as their within the quirk’s range
  • Can affect as many or as few people within range but the effect may be diluted the more people are being actively targeted. In addition, the further away someone is the less powerful the ability is. 
  • Harder to influence people that are very mentally or emotionally strong
  • Doesn’t affect animals or insects
  • After using the ability, it causes the user to become drowsy. Overuse will cause the user to temporarily fall asleep.

Age obtained: Manifested at birth, not extremely powerful at the time but untamed. The quirk has developed since then, becoming a power that requires conscious awareness to activate and deactivate it. 

Means of obtaining: It is a result of one parent having an emotional regulation quirk, that works on themselves only, and the other having a quirk that repels objects away from their body with their mind


Can potentially manipulate any and all emotions. She is very proficient in using the following emotions:


Unlocked: causing such intense fear that it can potentially cause the target to go into cardiac arrest


Induce feelings of wanting to give up, taking away hope


Anger and Rage


Mild feelings of not knowing what’s going on, dazed


Lead to feelings of peace, sleepiness, can be used to diffuse arguments

Less proficient when it comes to…

Other (happiness, hopefulness, love)

These emotions are harder for her to emit because she lacks the training and empathy to utilize them to the fullest potential. (It would benefit her more if she practiced them even if she doesn’t have the best attitude or feeling about those emotions). 


Taeko’s quirk manifested from birth and it was part of the reason she  was given up to the orphanage (at least, Taeko will blame everything on  her quirk as she is reluctant to really assign more of the blame to her  mother. She feels complicated feelings about someone who she does feel  abandoned by but also wants to believe maybe still cared for her?  Because believing the opposite is too painful for her). Her quirk was an  untamed force that imposed her infant feelings, distress or frustration  mainly, onto her mother. Her mother became worn down by the frequent or  sudden onslaught of sadness or distress from her baby which led to shorter patience or a clear perspective of the situation. 

As a result,  Taeko wound up in an orphanage that became more or less her home for  most of her early life. Taeko developed to be a withdrawn child that didn’t trust adults  properly. Trusting anyone for that matter was a challenge and as a  result, Taeko found it easier to trust those with similar experiences  and feelings to her. Successfully using her quirk to fulfill a desire  without getting caught drove her to believe she could get away with  other things as long as she was crafty about it but...she was also too  reluctant to use it unless she absolutely had to. She attended a less affluent school that didn’t  exactly inspire confidence or motivation in her to pursue a path of a  hero and she more or less kept to herself. Passive bullying was an  experience of hers as well as simply not knowing how to better handle  her quirk. She is discovered by a biological aunt of hers, one who was  living in America at the time Taeko was born. This relative adopts her  when Taeko is ten, out of a sense of familial duty but is unable to make  a strong connection. Taeko’s life continues this way, going through the  motions and ever so gradually becoming a little more accustomed to  adjusting with her quirk but maintaining a strong desire to simply not  have it anymore. Her introduction as a villain comes in the form of  making an extreme choice to seek out a person with the ability to do  exactly that. A misguided and ill-thought out side of her comes out in  the form of finding the LOV, who she believes can help her find a way to  achieve this end (no doctor or person she encountered prior could  accomplish this for her, finding the league was a last-ditch effort). As  it stands, she currently finds herself in league with the LOV because  her request of removing her quirk is not coming without a favor in the  form of serving the league as a loyal member.

Relationships - And how she frequently refers to them

Mother - ...That woman

She resents her mother for putting her up for adoption.

Father - Who?

She never met him, he was gone long before she was born. She feels no serious desire to seek him out. He’s just another adult who abandoned her/didn’t want her. The fact that he was hardly in the picture at all actually helped her detach feelings of intense sadness regarding him. She doesn’t want to talk about her father.