


3 years, 6 months ago


Lorelei is a transgender man who serves as the heir of his family's fortune. He lives in a massive mansion estate with his long-haired chihuahua Cashmere. He's playful and well-mannered, a friendly face with a charming disposition. He enjoys making small talk and reading up on zodiacs, fortunes, star signs, and other such things. Lorelei associates himself strongly with cats, which are his favorite animal. He enjoys hosting company and makes a great host when he does have guests, showing them around and treating them to everything they might need or want. He understands his wealth provides him a lot of comfort, and he enjoys sharing that with others whenever he's able to. He's a very happy-go-lucky person. He's the type to smile no matter what, and he presents himself as happy and laughing even when in the throes of deep despair. He doesn't like to let others know he's suffering, primarily because he doesn't want those around him to find him too bothersome to put up with. It's these deep feelings of insecurity and not wanting to be a bother that push Lorelei so hard to always be happy, pleasant, and easygoing-- even when he doesn't have the energy to be.

Lorelei is the sole known survivor of a prolific old-money family who has since inherited the fortune and estate. His parents died in a mysterious fire, and his sister was last seen with them but hasn't been found to date. Lorelei wonders about her to this day. Lorelei is a very isolated person, and was even before his family's disappearance, as his parents didn't accept his transition and isolated him for it. This is what pushed him to join the cult of the 104.6 radio. He's now good friends with its other hosts, Saul and Oliver, and finds comfortable refuge in the radio station and its accompanying lowkey hivemind. His role in the group is primarily to provide the financial support that the organization needs, though he's also known to host organization members and events in his estate as needed.