Venn (Lore)


Basic Info


Saving this here for coding + more detailed backstory for them !!


Draconophobia (Tysm !!)


claps my hands. love me some mentally ill ocs

for characters i've made that dip into those tropes, i like to go with conflicting emotions in childhood with the love/attention given to them. an unsteady home life with friends that'd be on and off from school gives them a desire to have someone. sitting with those thoughts manifests it into obsession and interest in raw and visceral ways of proclaiming love.

i really like the idea of submissive behaviors in dogs for how they react to some situations surrounding love/crushes, licking lips in anxiety and bowing their head, giving sideways glances. when the urges get the better of them, they go from a nervous dog to a violent wolf, lunging and biting. it's a knee-jerk reaction when they're alone with those loves/crushes, like a dog who got too excited and bit the hand (or torn the throat in this sense) of someone they cared about.

some smaller details
apathetic episodes. loving and wanting so much can lead to a strong burnout where they just... sit. they do nothing, staring down at the floor in their room while their emotions are muffled by their roaring thoughts. leads to them not realizing how strong their emotions get until it's too late, leading to an overly emotional end to those episodes
thoughts of being lesser. they cant rationalize the thoughts and emotions they feel, so they lean more on "oh, im just a broken/messed up person."
wildly different reactions to pain. when things are too much, the smallest bit of pain can throw them into worse episodes/breakdowns. when they're coming down from manic extremes, they could accidentally cut open their palm without noticing from the burnout of doing too much.

songs with themes/vibes i think fit
it took me by surprise - maria mena (abusive cycle? shrug. i just think the vibes fit)
brutus - the buttress (so obsessed with someone to the point of actual violence when they cant figure out those emotions)
oleander - mother mother
gilded lily - cults