Nyx's Comments

Idk if you allow this but can I offer characters/art?

Hiya! Yes absolutely, I don’t believe anyone’s bid yet so that would be fine ^^

Ok feel free to take a look through here! If you don't find any you think you would want how much art would you be looking at for them?


Hey! I am so sorry for the late reply on this, I know it has been a month now tenor.png

I would be interested in trading this guy for art if you are still interested! I love your art style!

I would be looking for a chibi of one of these characters, to use as their toyhouse icon! https://toyhou.se/Goldthecat/characters/tags:1/tagged:tag%20time%20bby

Yeah sure! I'll try and get it done soon!

Awesome tysm for the quick response! I'm super patient with owed art tho so don't stress over it 👌

2 Replies