
3 years, 7 months ago



age: 3214 Astraeus moon orbits (about 20 in pony years)

race: space pony, alien minigoddess

Layla is originally from the distant small galaxy Iris Astraeus. She was never MEANT to leave her galaxy, but she got caught in a cosmic ray that pulled her into Earth's orbit. She derived from a race of minigoddesses, who are born when starlight and moonlight combine. No one in their galaxy is higher than another, they are all equal sisters. 

Their role in their home galaxy is to nurture and care for the moons and stars so they grow strong and bright. When Layla fell, her 3 moons nestled into her tail to stay with their "mother". They appear much smaller on earth, but back home they're about the size of a house.

Layla landed in a beautiful lake in the middle of a deep forest. This forest happened to be Aspen's tree conservatory! Skylar works part-time with Aspen, and she was out in the forest when she heard the giant splash. She went to investigate and found Layla, dazed and confused. This confusion slowly wore off as Layla was very excited to be somewhere completely different than anywhere she's ever been before! Not knowing how to handle this new friend that just fell from the sky, Skylar found Aspen and they took Layla to a local infirmary where she ended up being completely unscathed, and very eager to get out and explore. This sparked her love of learning about different cultures from all around the world.

At first, Layla would leave for a while to satisfy her need for learning new things and always return back to Skylar with a new craft that she learned from her travels to show her (including sewing, Layla makes all of Skylar's eye covers <3). She would always excitedly await for her to return. Layla started to grow sadder and sadder when she would make her departures, and eventually asked Skylar to come along with her! Skylar struggled with deciding what to do because she's afraid of going outside her comfort zone, and prefers to stay with what's familiar to her. However, this made her realize that her feelings for Layla were too strong and she said yes! ... to traveling together :) Luckily for her, the feelings were mutual. Layla had also fallen in love! They decided to compromise. Skylar would come along every so often, and when she wouldn't, she'd always be waiting for Layla's return in the safety of her home, and Layla would always bring her back a souvenir. 

Layla particularly loves to learn crafts and dishes from those she visits around the world. She LOVES cooking new things for her friends back home! Her other favorite things to do are weaving baskets, and making pottery.

HOWEVER. don't let this need for knowledge fool you! Layla lacks basic common sense. She always needs to be reminded about customs and manners on earth because she just doesn't understand the need for them! She uses her very loud space voice and doesn't look both ways before crossing the street. Stuff like that. She may come off as very a bit dumb because of this, but she's trying to assimilate into pony culture and it's a slow process. be patient with her okay!