
Name: Ichabod Nickname: Ichy Scent: Slime Ball Gender: Male Sexuality Pansexual/Panromantic Mate: Argrotia <3 Children: Isolabella & I forget his son's name Best Friend: Ravanna Personality: Ichabod is quite a violent Lyth and has some major anger issues. He doesn't really know how to control himself and sometimes blanks out, only to awaken with no knowledge of what happened previously. He's been known to disappear during the full moons and not coming back until the day; sometimes there's blood on his paws. Despite being a brute, he's actually very intelligent and using that to his advantage. He can be a bit manipulative too, but only does so if he really needs too. He has no problem being rude or sassing someone if they piss him off and actually enjoys seeing them cringe at his words. He is very possessive and protective when it comes to the things he actually loves and cares 'bout. He does have a sweet side; but it's hidden behind all of his rage. It would take a special someone to tame this beast and bring out his sweet side; and doesn't mind his violent, homicidal tendencies.


Growing up in a southern town as a Were is hard, especially if you have an abnormal mouth right in your chest. His parents always hide him away from the stares of other Lyths in fear of him getting judged and bullied. He didn't have any siblings to keep him company and his parents were always busy, so Ichabod grew up lonely. At this time, he started growing a strong dislike to other Lyths and people; blaming them for his loneliness and his parent's fear. Then his rage for them grew so large; he escaped from his room and went on a "hunting" spree during one of his "Full Moon Fits", as his parent's called it. After that, they moved from that town as soon as they could; not wanting the event to be traced back to him. It was not the last time however. Therefore he was homeschooled since they always had to move due to his violent nature. When he got old enough, he saw his chance to leave and took it. He began traveling on his own, wary of getting caught whenever he had a "Full Moon Fit". When he got tired of moving around so often; he stayed in a small town for a while. It was here that a strange event happened; the Freak Show. Being someone who only knew the world through books, Ichabod went of course. He walked around, sticking to the shadows until he got caught by the members of the Freak Show; lurking behind a concession stand. Ironically it was a full moon that night, so he went into a fit and tried to attack them as they tried to capture him. He didn't succeed though, and was captured. He travelled with them a bit, never getting to close to the others; wondering when he'll get his chance to escape and attack the ones who caught him. That is until one very, unfortunate night; he was to be given away to whoever won him. He was rather pissed off when he was given to a certain dark blue haired pumpkin. Though he got used to it and actually grew to tolerate him; mostly due to the fact that he kept giving him sweets and enjoyed watching horror films with him.


Scary, Creepy Stuff: Horror movies, haunted houses, things that go bump in the night, etc. Ichabod isn't too picky when it comes to scary, creepy stuff; as long as it's actually scary.

Sweets: One of the many reasons he loves Halloween and Candy Shops; all the sweets. He has a major sweet tooth, and even puts a ton of sugar in his coffee in the morning. He doesn't care that's it's unhealthy for him to have that much candy and sugar, just as long as he haves it.

Liquor: Yes, Ichabod drinks and quite often too. He never gets drunk though, not wanting to deal with the splitting headache. He doesn't mind however, getting a bit tipsy and rather enjoys the nice buzz he feels.

Libraries: Despite how much the quietness annoys him, he thinks they're pretty peaceful and actually enjoys reading a good book once in a while. Surprisingly it helps to calm him down.

Carnivals: Candy, Cotten Candy, Fun Rides; Ichabod loves carnivals, despite all the annoying Lyths and people.


Annoyingly Happy Lyths: They irritate him a lot, with their constant happiness and shrieking squeals. It takes all of his will power not to attack them there and then. A few he can tolerate, but it's pretty rare.

Authorities: Of course, being someone who gets violent and attacks other Lyths and people, it's to be expected that Ichabod hates the authorities. He always teases them and often makes fun of them.

Big Crowds: Not only highly annoying, being in a big crowd makes him nervous and awkward.


Ichabod with purr if he's in a good mood and relaxed, it's actually quite cute! XD

He's terrified of porcelain dolls, they just look so realistic and as if they're starring at him.

Has an obsession with slimy animals like Snails and Fish; he enjoys keeping them as pets.

Ichabod had insomnia, which annoys him since he's only able to sleep once in a while.

Is a Sadist; unsurprisingly. He is also a Masochist too though.


He actually enjoys attention and likes to be on the spotlight; so it's his dream to one day become a Actor.

Ichabod writes violent horror stories for fun; and especially enjoys reading them to other Lyths and children.