Snuf (COTL)



3 years, 10 months ago



-main information about snuf-

-information about DWDH-

-information about his bg-

-more detailed information- OPTIONAL

-main information about Snuf-

Snuf, a 20 year old hald DWDH half sky realm sky kid  with the mind of a 13 year old and the very odd fascination of creating and testing potions. Not only is Snuf in close contact and relation with the young disordered DWDH called Migel but the adult alo has quite the reputation in the overworld as he is known as the dragon/bird tamer. Now of course with dragons/birds no actual dragons or birds are meant but instead the well known and feared realm of the DWDH as due to their behavior can be compared to a reptile or bird.Now why is that so? Well as Snuf is only half sky realmer and half DWDH he is able to move freely within both realms (which is why the realm term Nowhere is used for him), and as his presence is oddly calming thanks to his sheer calm nature he is able to get any DWDH soft and relaxed around him by just talking. Does it always work? No but often especially when they willinlgy come towards him. Anyway Snuf may have a pretty intimidating appearance but actually? He can be very very playful, curious and worried about many things! His huge interest for magic and potions drove him to study and create his own which is why he is also pretty good to buy potions and other spells from him. Now uh, Snuf is NOT the best to buy from though as he is till learning and WILL do mistakes but he test the potions on himself! So if he didn’t die from the potion you’ll probably be safe taking it! The reason Snuf almost never uses his call is because of his oddly disturbing sound, imagine the sound of a DWDH call mixed with the crab call sound of a sky kid, yes that’s his call. It can also be compared to the sound of the evil spirit wendigo as it definitely has the same type of screechiness to it… other than that Snuf is a great partner to be around! Especially because of his playful nature!...but it would be better to stay away from him once hungry..

Now in weapons Snuf doesn’t have that much, but definitely enough to kick a few butts if he has to. Not only because he can and will use a variety of magic but also because his physical strength is buttered up enough to very wwll keep a fight going. Now we are gonna start explaining his attacks by starting with his DWDH ability and the most obvious thing the four winged cape. One of the main features of a DWDH he adapted as the stars merged.. Now the four winged capes are WAY more efficient in moths than in actual animals, the reason for this is because DW mainly use wind to travel and are almost unable to use the cape energy, the four wings allow extremely precise movement moving through the wind streams while the second pair is used to flap/ choose the direction of where Halo wants to fly to.  The lower wings who are ued to keep balance often do not move except leaning left and right slightly when the wind stream is stronger, but if the Halo wants to fly at an incredible speed he can actually use both cape wings at the same time and shoot like a bullet through the sky for a few seconds. Normally the lower cape wings  flap first and then directly fterwards the upper cape wings flap after pushing the DW moth through the air with an almost breathtaking speed. Although this ability takes up so much energy that after a few minutes Halo will be too exhausted to even walk correctly as the stars he collects are so so tiny and fragile that he cape has to pull the energy out of his own body in order to function properly. Compared to other DWDH though Snuf has a MASSIVE cape, the wings three or four sizes of his own body and as quiet as ever. Their shine beautiful when shining through light and their strength incredible. His second main weapon are of course the variety of potions he has siting in the main bag attached to his waist. Some of these potions are not existent in the current sky spots in the forgotten ark as they are too dangerous to be sold to children..but well they are necessary if one wants to fight against the evil. The potions used for offense are usually in large colorful bottles who look rather pretty and inviting, they are thrown at the enemy and then use the wished effect on the victim. The potions used for defence and health are usually more ugly, pale and monotone. This is to protect the potions from theft as defence and health are the most valuable potions..

Now in personality..well..Snuf has a WHOLE BUNCH of that. Well as mentioned before Snuff is about 20 years old, but he definitely does not act like one. He does have some level of maturity but stopped mentally growing somewhere at the age of 14 or 15 making him really chaotic, curious and just up for fun. Of course though Snuf knows borders and will also make it clear to other where a border is, not obviously to others but definitely to the person he’s talking to.Other than that Snuf is juts a huge lovable dunce who loves experimenting around with pretty much whatever he can find! Compared to a normal DWDH Snuf can eat carnivorous light (coming from a creature of light) or also herbivorous light (coming from a natural source, a fire pit, spirits, charging etc.) but he usually prefers the carnivorous diet. But do not worry! He doesn’t hunt sky kids or other creatures of light, instead he goes fishing until he feels full. Sometimes he also hunts birds but only when he sees that they are short away from death or do not have any living qualities. He doesn’t really feel bad fishing but if he has to hunt omething bigger Snuf will definitely feel slightly bad as he doesn’t want to kill but mostly it isn’t really avoidable. He absolutely isn’t a bad person and he and migel both can prove that

-information about DWDH-

As already mentioned in the main information the Darkness watchers/hunters ( also called DW/DH) are a realm created by the leader Halo (originally called Leo) who was sick and tired of the kingdoms cowardness from the darkness and started rebelling against his own creators, after a loss he then created the realm of the DWDH to take matters into his own hands. Originally the realm was only supposed to go after darkness, but after time more and more of the realm started to develop a deep hatred for the light giving them life which in the end caused this realm to become bloodthirsty hunters, honor was not existent and the only thing that mattered was to get rid of light and dark to create the ultimate anarchy between both elements. They will go after anything, the thirst and hunger boiling within these once friendly creatures grows by the day..but it has a reason

If we look closer in the history of the DWDH well see that most of the members of this realm were mainly the ones who were alone mos of the time, while others were making friends, getting to know one another these specific moths always stayed away, watched but stayed away. They mainly had issues with socializing, thinking they aren’t worth to be talked to or that they would just annoy the others, perhaps ruin everything for them. They stayed, were scared of what might happen and lived in the future instead of the present. They mainly were a bit older and taller than other moths, but younger ones also had this problem and over time the light within them just started to question their capability in finishing what was started, all it had to take was a certain moth stand against the creators to make them snap. The anger having slowly build up out of sheer frustration of their own failure caused these moths to join the blood thirsty hell and made it what it is today, a myth told to small children or moths to keep them close to the groups..but in reality they are out there, and they hunt or the safety of themselves and for the disadvantage of the light, building and moving forward from the past, waiting for the perfect moment to merge light and dark to create w orld without rules where the black banners rise and smiles fade to become broken and serious. A world ruled by them and not some higher creature.

-information about his bg-

Snuf is just like every other skykid a star, well not a natural star of course. He is the result of the merging between two stars of completely different realms. One from the all too well known skyrealm and the other fromm the monstrous nightmare realm called Darkness Watchers Darkness Hunters. , and how exactly this happened I will explain here as hi background wouldn’t really be something too interesting.. o well here we go

Snuf ‘parents’ were two friends who pretty much grew up together, they were almot like family at this point..I mean they saw each other as family of course they were just friends. 

They were both on their final task, going to eden and finish what they had started. Go to one of the most dangerous places in the sky, free all of the statues from their never ending death snd then follow them into the afterlife. They both were fully aware that they wouldn’t be together again, as DWDH cannot pass into afterlife, nobody knows what happens to their souls but they seem to disappear but at the same time not. Anyway with that in mind they made the small time they had left together one of the best they had their entire life and tried their best to make it worthwhile. 

After fonally reaching their destination the both of them did what they were supposed to do while constantly being at each others side and helping each other out as good as possible, freeing all of the statuesuntil not a single one was left..and as it was time to go the two realmers stood in the red rain tight in each others arms and didn’t let go, not even when the sharp falling rocks pireced through them and hit them at the immense speed , they were just with each other saying whatever they wanted to say to the other before they died, saying their goodbies while just trying to drag it out as long as possible. And then after a while both of their shells shattered into a million pieces and their spirits the only things left from them. Now they were still tightly clung to one another even as they were ent into the after life and readied for the rebirth process, and the DWDH did not disappear. Their spirit was still tightly attached to the sky realmers through the entire process, they became one shortly before the next star fell…and so a nowhere was born.

A mix between one of the most horrifying creatures within the sky kingdom and the softest most lovable and peaceful creatures within sky creating a balance and a creature boud to bring both peace and destruction while the star representing their heart gives them life from both sides.

More detailed information- OPTIONAL


weapons Snuf doesn’t have that much, but definitely enough to kick a few butts if he has to. Not only because he can and will use a variety of magic but also because his physical strength is buttered up enough to very wwll keep a fight going. Now we are gonna start explaining his attacks by starting with his DWDH ability and the most obvious thing the four winged cape. One of the main features of a DWDH he adapted as the stars merged.. Now the four winged capes are WAY more efficient in moths than in actual animals, the reason for this is because DW mainly use wind to travel and are almost unable to use the cape energy, the four wings allow extremely precise movement moving through the wind streams while the second pair is used to flap/ choose the direction of where Halo wants to fly to.  The lower wings who are ued to keep balance often do not move except leaning left and right slightly when the wind stream is stronger, but if the Halo wants to fly at an incredible speed he can actually use both cape wings at the same time and shoot like a bullet through the sky for a few seconds. Normally the lower cape wings  flap first and then directly fterwards the upper cape wings flap after pushing the DW moth through the air with an almost breathtaking speed. Although this ability takes up so much energy that after a few minutes Halo will be too exhausted to even walk correctly as the stars he collects are so so tiny and fragile that he cape has to pull the energy out of his own body in order to function properly. Compared to other DWDH though Snuf has a MASSIVE cape, the wings three or four sizes of his own body and as quiet as ever. Their shine beautiful when shining through light and their strength incredible. His second main weapon are of course the variety of potions he has siting in the main bag attached to his waist. Some of these potions are not existent in the current sky spots in the forgotten ark as they are too dangerous to be sold to children..but well they are necessary if one wants to fight against the evil. The potions used for offense are usually in large colorful bottles who look rather pretty and inviting, they are thrown at the enemy and then use the wished effect on the victim. The potions used for defence and health are usually more ugly, pale and monotone. This is to protect the potions from theft as defence and health are the most valuable potions..


Now in personality..well..Snuf has a WHOLE BUNCH of that. Well as mentioned before Snuff is about 20 years old, but he definitely does not act like one. He does have some level of maturity but stopped mentally growing somewhere at the age of 14 or 15 making him really chaotic, curious and just up for fun. Of course though Snuf knows borders and will also make it clear to other where a border is, not obviously to others but definitely to the person he’s talking to.Other than that Snuf is juts a huge lovable dunce who loves experimenting around with pretty much whatever he can find! Compared to a normal DWDH Snuf can eat carnivorous light (coming from a creature of light) or also herbivorous light (coming from a natural source, a fire pit, spirits, charging etc.) but he usually prefers the carnivorous diet. But do not worry! He doesn’t hunt sky kids or other creatures of light, instead he goes fishing until he feels full. Sometimes he also hunts birds but only when he sees that they are short away from death or do not have any living qualities. He doesn’t really feel bad fishing but if he has to hunt omething bigger Snuf will definitely feel slightly bad as he doesn’t want to kill but mostly it isn’t really avoidable. He absolutely isn’t a bad person and he and migel both can prove