Aimi (code test)



3 years, 4 months ago



Full Name Aimi
Species Ashuri, Hamster
Age 16
Height 160 cm
Gender Female
Rank Slayer
Occupation Student, Vtuber
Weapon Kitchen Knife

❝ If I give you my soul, will you be mine for eternity? ♡ ❞


Content Warning
Yandere Character, Cannibalism, Murder. Nothing graphic but please read her profile at your own risk! I do not condone anything mentioned, this is purely fictional.

- - Yandere, A little creepy, Possessive, Sarcastic, Envious, Lazy, Insecure
- Aimi is a little bit of a psychopath
- Has abandonment issues
- Aimi is a hoarder, her room is messy and filled with pictures of the person she is smittened with and cute accessories (plushies, games, clothes, etc.)
- Blind on one eye (left) because she messed with the wrong person
- She has extremely low self esteem and it often gets to her head.
- Ex-idol (she killed the other 2 members who were also Ashuris because she wanted their kabukis and flesh)
- She also killed the police officers and people who tried to stop her.
- She half ate the other idol members she killed.
- "What?? They taste really good! You should try some ashuri meat sometimes :)"
- Currently under house arrest because of it
- Only likes killing other Ashuris who owns cute weapons
- She has collected 3 weapons so far
- Has a collection of cute weapons
- Does vtubing for a living because it's the only thing she can do. She likes showing off her collection of cute weapons, has a decent fanbase. She is the type of vtuber that is loud, annoying, and screams a lot. Her model closely resembles her real self.
- Aimi is a highschool dropout. Idol work made it really difficult for her to keep up with her education and with her current situation, she decided to drop out. She was never really interested in school anyways.
- Stray is her legal guardian and the Guardian who is in charge of keeping watch of her. She would not be alive if it weren't for him because she should techinically be terminated. He's the only one she's willing to listen to besides Hiyori.
- Aimi is absolutely is in love with Hiyori, she goes a little crazy over her and her weapon. She wants to eat her up (literally sometimes..) and keep her all to herself ♡♡♡


  • ♡♡♡ Hiyori ♡♡♡
  • Talking to Hiyori
  • Being with Hiyori
  • Watching Hiyori
  • Cute Weapons
  • Ashuri Flesh :)

  • Therapy
  • Going Outside
  • Herself
  • When Other People Talk to Hiyori
  • When Hiyori doesn't pay attention to her
  • Not being with Hiyori

9284717?1610379262 Hiyori | Her Obesession, Her everything, Currently being friendzoned :/

Anyone who comes between me and Hiyori should just die... no?

The only reason why Aimi has not tried to escape or kill anyone since her house arrest. She absolutely adores Hiyori and everything about her. From her soft skin to her cute knife. There's nothing that Aimi can hate about her. She would do anything for her and she would lose her shit if Hiyori ever disappears from her life.

Aimi met Hiyori through Stray because she is his girlfriend's little sister. It was all a coincidence but the moment she saw her. She was smittened and immedietly fell in love. Aimi was quite feral when she first met her but she has calm down since then through intensive therapy. Hiyori often visits her with snacks and gifts and it makes her so happy. But of course, having Hiyori nearby is what makes her the happiest. Sometimes she gets heavy urges to eat her up and attack her but whenever she tries to, Hiyori stops her. Hiyori is stronger than she looks and can easily over power Aimi compared to the other girls she has killed. And she absolutely loves it.

39828669_zvv.png Stray | Cousin, Legal Guardian, Big Stinky

Stray is soooo sus I don't want to be near this man at all. He would probably get me into trouble more than anything. His weapon isn't worth stealing either, what's up with that useless decorative cut? ...he's alright sometimes.

Despite Aimi's outer disdain for Stray, she owes him her life. He is basically her savior and if not for him, she would be long gone by now. She is currently under his care and he is one of the few people that she would listen to. It was also thanks to a certain blue haired girl that she is able to promise Stray not to kill again and suppress her urges.

Stray is also Aimi's cousin. He actually used to babysit her as a child whenever her family goes on business trips. They were once really close and she used to call him 'big-brother' but she doesn't do that anymore. Now she just calls him Stray and insults him everytime she sees him. Although, it is out of love and affection, probably.

Code by ovob
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