


3 years, 7 months ago


░░ 【𝓕𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓬𝔀𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓵】 ░░

She/Her ♡ Lesbian ♡ 17 moons ♡ Marrowclan Warrior ♡ Lilac Waxing Moon 

Fennec is a light brown agouti with a cream underbelly, dark paws, and a chocolate stripe running along her back.  She has bright yellow-green eyes, with spotted fur around them resembling freckles.  Her fur is short, but lengthens and curls on her cheeks, chest, and tail.  She was born with a secondary set of ear flaps, located behind and slightly below her normal ears.  None of them work, because Fennec is deaf. 

To most cats, Fennec is antisocial and strange, and talking to her can be difficult due to the communication barrier.  For the same reasons, she tends to be easily frustrated interacting with others.  With her adoptive father and mentor’s help, she can verbally speak most common phrases, and pushes herself to learn new words when given the chance.  (CW internalized ableism) She doesn’t like the process of learning these, though, because it requires her to blindly guess how to create the specific sounds and adjust it based on what others tell her.  Despite that, Fennec feels like it’s her own responsibility to meet the “social norm” to avoid making the cats around her uncomfortable, as well as to not feel excluded because of her disability.     Due to the stress caused by communicating, all of Fennec’s close relationships are limited by who is or isn’t fluent in sign language. Her personality changes drastically around those who are fluent, transforming into a chatty and passionate cat. She loves gossip and tends to pry into other cats’ businesses whenever she gets the chance. Though often annoying, there’s no better cat to be nosy, because she’s fiercely protective of her friends and strongly values their happiness above all else. 

Fenneckit was found abandoned along the south border by a patrol.  They took her back to the camp, where she was cared for while the clan searched for her missing mother.  After a week, it was clear that whoever left her wasn’t returning, and she was officially welcomed into the clan and adopted by Shadedbough, who named her.     Shadedbough was assigned to be Fennecpaw’s mentor, being the only cat who could effectively communicate with the young molly at the time.  He, quite literally, taught her everything she knows.  Fennec looks up to Bo, as well as her aunt Harriereye-up until Harrier disappeared one day.  With nothing left behind to either confirm or deny her death, Fennec believes that Harriereye is still alive outside the reach of the clans-unaware of the dark truth only Shadedbough knows.     Barkclan was present in camp at her warrior ceremony, where she was given the name Fennecwhirl.  At the same time, though, Barkclan was having their own ceremony in the ruins of their buried camp, naming their newest warrior.  In the days following, tensions between the clans rose sharply, with several Bark cats viewing Marrow’s celebrations as mocking the other clans situation.  Fennecwhirl was caught up in the fight that broke out, attacking the same cat who had received her warrior name on the same day-Chickadeecry.  In the aftermath of the clash, she was left with a strange feeling of familiarity.     That wouldn’t be the first time she would run into the Barkclan warrior, though.  A couple moons later, Fennecwhirl had taken a walk on the night of a gathering to clear her head, only to get lost in her thoughts and accidentally trespass onto Barkclan’s territory.  There, she ran into Chickadeecry, who recognized Fennec and chose not to attack, for reasons Fennec doesn’t know.  They briefly tried to communicate, but were interrupted by the Falling Skies.

Later on, the skies would fall again, thanks to Astron and the Stareater fighting.  One of the landslides caused by their rampage buried Marrowclan’s warrior den, trapping Fennecwhirl inside with two other survivors.  She was lucky to come out alive, but was left with an injured tail and severe trauma.
Adoptive parent & mentor - Shadedbough
Adoptive aunt - Harriereye
Sister: Chickadeecry