


3 years, 7 months ago





 Leader of their group and is responsible for all of them and the success of their missions. He insists on apprehension rather than eradication. He is significantly older than the rest and feels somewhat protective of them, repeatedly taking blame when plans fall apart. He is exhausted. He has a son he loves dearly and is amicably divorced. He trusts Krim and respects them highly, is happy they’re around. He sees Lesnen like one of his own and is openly supportive of them and their efforts and tries to reason with Khef but has decided all he can do is make sure he doesn’t bother the others too much. He is the closest with C.A.S. and treats her like a person. He keeps his home and work life highly separated but can’t help but unconsciously vent his guilt about not being able to be with his son by fathering the rest of the team. He is a man who is easy to lie to and is so naïve its almost funny if it were not deeply concerning. He genuinely believes in the good will of his employer and feels like what he does is helpful and important, believes in the best of others to the point of near blind faith.