


3 years, 5 months ago

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"Only two things are infinite, the universe and dragon stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

One paragraph is ideal but you could do more because this box scrolls!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vitae ultricies augue. Donec sagittis erat vel quam porta faucibus. Ut lobortis ornare fermentum. Vivamus eros magna, euismod quis augue non, tempor ultricies massa. Curabitur ligula orci, aliquet nec luctus cursus, pellentesque aliquam nunc.


Name Astralyn/Astral
Age Young Adult
Gender Female
Pronouns Doesn't really care
Species Soleiwing
Birthday November 16
Height 4,87m
Orientation Asexual/Panromantic 
Occupation Science assistant

  • Anatomical studies
  • Books
  • silence

  • Incompetent fools
  • Being left alone
  • Inturuption of their studies


  • They are currently roommates with Meris
  • They were cursed to always be inbetween the realm of the living and the dead
  • Favorite color is emerald green like their tail flame
  • They likes to spend times with others dragons, just reading books and chilling.

Design Notes

  • Mutation : ashscales.
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When Astralyn was younger they took a trip to the icewing kingdom, and had gotten lost on the outskirts basically being like "yeah no its too cold here im out ".On their way out they had a fight with an icewing who turned out to be an animus, the icewing had cursed Astral in its last dying breaths forcing Astral to forever be between the worlds of the living and the dead, so quite literally being a ghost.

At first Astralyn didnt think much of it and went on with their life as normal, but other dragons always just kinda strayed away from her, many saying despite the tribes nature of being extremely hot they were almost cold to the touch, and many feel a dark and cold aura around them.

Later on when they were in their late teens the curse somehow got worse, making it so Astral was not always being able to be seen as others couldnt belive they were real, thinking he was a figment of their mind, overall ending up ignoring them.

Nowadays they live with Meris as their roommate, and help out Stein in their research. Astralyn want to learn more about their curse, and right now is focusing on their skeletal structure, trying to see if it is still there. Stein helps them out with it in exchange for the extra knowledge and help. When at home with Meris they are often seen in their room full of books , almost always having their nose in one of them.

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