


3 years, 7 months ago





 A medical examiner who figures out why test subjects, as well as employees occasionally, die off. Jace considers him a greatly valuable asset in determining what goes wrong during testing. He was previously pathologist for a hospital but lost his job during ownership transfer of the location. He is polite and rather quiet except for when he works, he talks to the bodies he examines both to cope with his work and to, in his mind, send them off warmly. He spends a large portion of his downtime reading research papers in his field and attending conferences on examination techniques and is a bit of a workaholic. He has a deeply serious disposition and a thoughtful nature that can make it hard to get close to him, as he doesn’t engage in much merrymaking, and is quite stern. He is sensitive and couldn’t turn a blind eye to the disregard for human life happening right in front of him. He has been aiding Sabin in faking the deaths of test subjects and helping them escape. He is greatly trusted by Jace and she respects him and his work greatly, which he uses to fly under the radar with his work with Sabin. He and Sabin try to keep distance while at work as to not raise suspicions but meet in private often, not always related to their efforts.