Someone here? (Vibra is off limits! The rest I’ll let you know but I can do buck! He’s an scpkid with matcha or someone else!) I can add money sense you have cash app now!

Matcha I don’t connect to anymore sadly!

I only like vibra and gamble (idk if you said vibra was off limits the message cut off)

Oh well I said I could also add money! If buck and somebody else didn’t catch your eye but I might be able to do gamble I just love her so much I’m not sure if I can every get rid of her..

Yeah gamble is the only one I like, I like weird/dark colored ocs and buck isn’t my vibe,

What’s gambles worth 

How much money could you do 

I’m just picky on this character because I truly have spent a lot of money on them

Well okay gamble is worth 130$-200$ but if you see anybody else you like I'll most likely be able to do that and I can add 120$

I could do gamble alone

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