


3 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info





ID Code



Pink (Mini Crewmate)



Blood Type





Lindsey is the daughter of MIRA HQ'S Security Manager, Matthew, she cares about him a lot but rarely ever gets to see him because he's always at work. Normally, she stays at home with her mother, but she still longs for a chance to actually spend time with her father. This chance comes when he gets called for a mission to a distant planet known as Polus. Originally, Lindsey was never supposed to be there, but after making a convincing speech and then sneaking on, she became part of the 14 people on the Skeld. All she did was spend time with her father, following him around and watching as he did what he was supposed to do. The Security things.

The teenager was under the assumption that things were perfectly fine at first, everyone seemed safe and she trusted the others, but things changed one day while she was with her father in the Communications Room. Her back was turned, doing something on the computer, tuning out the sounds around her until there was a sharp crack. Lindsey turned around in time to see that somebody had just killed Matthew, and they were already leaving. Minutes pass, it took her too long to figure out how to react, she turns and runs out to try and find somebody. The first person Lindsey ran into was Jason, outside of o2, she couldn't really tell him what had happened but she could drag him along to the Communications Room to find the body. It gets reported, everyone is called to Cafeteria, and afterwards Lindsey spent her time on the Skeld with the friend of her father.
She doesn't understand how but, near the end of their journey, the people who were dead suddenly came back to life. Including her father. This meant that she could finally spend time with him again.

The crew's arrival to Polus seemed very uneventful. Lindsey seemed quite distant because of what she had seen, because of what she had to go through. She very clearly avoided the person who killed her father last time, as well. They spent most of their time in the Camera Room, rarely leaving unless the others requested a meeting. She was with him when they walked upon a body, she could only watch as the others decided to vote him out, and she could do nothing as he ended up in the lava. Again, the child was all alone, she remained in the Office this time while everyone else just did... Whatever they did.
Even after everyone recovered near the end of their placement, Lindsey remained distant for several days, still not quite over everything.

She returned back home with everyone soon after, with no issues, leaving everybody at MIRA HQ as she returned to living with her mother again. That was where she remained, unknowing of the stuff that would be happening elsewhere.
Lindsey appears to be quite the innocent person at first. She's bright, happy, and barely even a teenager. At first, absolutely nothing could get her down, sure she may miss her father because of his work, but it was always an event whenever she got to see him. After somehow convincing everyone to let her join them, only to have things turn terrible, her innocent nature sort of lost it's way. She lost her father twice, lost her friends, and even to this day she has no clue what has happened to her father now. Her original aspiration of working at MIRA HQ was lost, now she has no way or idea of what she wants to do. Lindsey absolutely refuses to tell her mother any of what happened while she was gone, keeping all of her problems inside, not wanting to burden anyone else with the issues that she was dealing with.