Amelia Beckshire



3 years, 7 months ago


Name: Amelia Beckshire

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual orientation: Closeted lesbian

Birthday: 17th June

Year/Grade: 2nd


Ability score: 2.8

Tier: Mid

Ability: Aura Fists

Ability description: User is able to cast & focus their aura around their hands in order to increase their offensive ability. These aura fists disappear when the user's unconscious/lost focus/deactivated ability.


Personality: close-minded, easily-swayed, impulsive, temerarious, spontaneous, disorganised, short-tempered, lively, gullible, coldhearted, careless, half-witted, selfish, REALLY reckless, blame-shifter, irrational, ambitious, humorous, energetic, merciless, loyal, nonchalant, extroverted, petty, irresponsible (doesn't take responsibility for her actions), punctual, tenacious


Hair colour: Desaturated purple

Eye colour: Grayish green

Signature colour: Grayish green 

Height: 160cm

Build: Rectangle body shape, round face shape, slim.

Skin: Pale


Background: Amelia comes from a decent, mid-tier family. She's an only child. When she was in primary school, her family did pretty well. They had started a company and was doing well till some other company did better and kinda stepped over them. This pissed Amelia off as she quickly jumped to conclusions and looked at things from her angle. Amelia's family was pitied by others, but most had put it on as an act; plenty talked behind their backs. This pissed Amelia off more, and she didn't know how to deal with her anger well. Amelia would stubbornly accuse people of things with no hard evidence, and beat up people she believed were responsible for stuff. Amelia was only acquainted with a few, and not for the right reasons. They mostly tried to get info outta her. Amelia often had to prove herself in fights (which she gladly did). She didn't exactly have a good reputation in school, and was mostly alone for the most part. People knew her for her short temper & close-mindedness, and this only got worse when she got older. She easily believed things her parents etc told her, and naturally followed the social hierarchy. Amelia doesn't exactly do well in academics, so she likes to bully others into doing most of her work for her. She absolutely hated it when she got into a situation where she had no power, so she loved it when she hung around Doug and the others when she entered high school and exercised her power on others. Amelia knows to behave around high-tiers and elites, but she just hates how much stronger they are because of how weak she feels around them. If she feels angry enough, she does reckless shit and has been beaten down once or twice by a high-tier or an elite for attacking them. Amelia dislikes the royals, or anyone around her age stronger than them. She doesn't trust people with that power. When she's calm, she knows to not even try to attack stronger people but when she's angry, she goes all irrational and reckless and doesn't restrain herself. This usually backfires on her and honestly just makes her despise the opponent more. Amelia is the type of person to push the blame on someone ELSE - even if she subconsciously knows it's her fault, she'll try to convince herself it's someone else's fault. She also doesn't bother to apologise to anyone, which is why she hasn't got a great reputation or many acquaintances in school aside from Doug and the others.