


7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info










Very loyal to the royalty of his species, wise and overly serious to the point where some have joked about it calling him things like "mr. huffy" and he's pretty easy to make angry. Just be incompetent in front of him. That'll do it.


Frightless(Younger Brother), Asonor(Deceased Father), Tsabia(Probably Deceased Mother)




Royal Guard


Childhood: Farsight grew up with his father, a royal guard named Asonor and his younger brother, Frightless. Farsight was a natural at hunting, but did not want to go down the same path as his younger brother who shared similar talents and pursued hunting openly. He remained in this state career limbo until his father suffered an injury to his wing and was forced to retire from guard duty. After that, he knew what had to be done and began rigorously training his body and mind for the life of a royal guard. After many years of testing and perfecting his capabilities to the best of his ability, he managed to land himself a role as one of the Comomicar who would defend the royal family.

Adulthood: As a Royal Guard, he had grown strong and bull headed. He'd spent so long putting on a serious, professional face that he seemed to have forgotten how to take jokes to a certain stretch and has dedicated himself to the well being and safety of the royal family.
He has also acquired a few scars over the course of his career, one over his left eye, one to his right cheek and another across his neck. His left eye is partially blind and his throat is slightly damaged resulting in a scratchy hoarseness to his voice as well as a desire not to speak too long as to prevent onsets of pain.

He and Frightless didn't see each other too much anymore due to separate fields of work, but they'd often send each other letters to keep in touch. 

Present Day: Upon an event known as The Disappearance, an event in which the entirety of the Comomicar race disappeared without a trace, Farsight was not spared from this catastrophe.
Farsight disappeared along with the rest of the Comomicar race during the same event and his whereabouts, like everyone else, are unknown and it is also unknown whether he's still alive or not.


All information about the species can be found here ----> http://queenofillusion.deviantart.com/art/Comomicar-Bio-468953327
Please do not make your own Comomicar unless permitted by the original creator. That would be mean.
I have special permission to own Farsight from the original creator.