Elaine Marter



3 years, 7 months ago


Full Name Elaine Marter
Occupation N/A
Gender Female
Pronouns She/they
Orientation Bisexual
Age 34
Height 5'2"
Rel. Status Retired


When she was younger, Elaine was constantly vigilant and working off perpetual adrenaline having grown up in a dangerous environment. She covered her general paranoia and uneasiness at her environment with dry sarcasm and intimidation. With friends, she's much nicer, but still makes it a point to tease them as much as possible. Otherwise, she was normally loud and aggressive all the time, except in moments when she knows she's won a battle, be it a physical fight or chess game.

After years of living in a peaceful, quiet environment, Elaine's years of constant adrenaline rush caught up to her; she's eztremely lethargic most of the time, only putting major effort in labor-intensive tasks. She still keeps up her sarcasm and wit, but it's much more subdued (and less harsh). Her anger never completely fizzled out, but it's far more manageable now.


Elaine is relatively overweight and curvy. She has red, short, curly hair parted to the side that she wears almost always down, small yellow eyes, and big eyebrows. Most days, she wears dark red/black lipstick and eyeliner, no matter the occasion. She also has a plethora of scars on her body, mostly concentrated on her back, and one trailing from the corner of her mouth diagonally down her neck.

Elaine doesn't care much for fashion outside of special events, or if her friends want to play dress up. She generally wears graphic t-shirts, sweaters, and jeans. She also dons a leather jacket both for her casual outfits and fancy outfits, regardless if it goes with the rest of her look. Finally, Elaine generally avoids any article of clothing that doesn't have a backing (expection being if she wears her jacket with it or Ari likes it).


  • Inhumanly Strong
  • some tactical knowledge
  • Magic
  • Fire magic - produce fire from her hands and body, control fire from outside sources, heat up temperature in the atmosphere and in her body
  • Can detect life forms
  • Weapons
  • Brass Knuckles are main choice of weapon, but Elaine doesn't keep them on her person, so most of the time she has to go in barehanded
  • knows how to use throwing knives by muscle memory from her time as a mercenary, but difficulty throwing to moving targets. Least favorite weapon of choice
  • Greatswords and large, heavy weapons are her go-to if she cannot fist fight due to injuries, or must do mid/long range combat

Elaine never properly confided to anyone about her childhood, Ari is the one who knows the most. He knows she ran away from her father because she was afraid he was going to kill her, and he knows about poor mental and physical state when she was younger—not bathing, always picking fights, nearly incapable of basic self-care. Even he balks at the memories of her matted hair when they first met, but according to Elaine, she had "improved" compared to before, much to Ari's concern. Otherwise, Ari's put together pieces from what Elaine's told him and from her scars.

In the present day, Elaine lives with Ari near the outskirts of a small village in the sticks, next to a bay. They mostly keep to themselves and don't interact much with the villagefolk, but the villagers practically worship the two due to Ari's healing/plant magic (and his willingness to assist anyone who appears at their doorstep), and Elaine's previous service in protecting the villagers from drafts and small-scale invasions during wartime. Despite their introverted tendencies, people often visit Ari and Elaine anyways to give gifts (grown foods, fruits, vegetables, occasionally honey) for their services to the village.