Flame that Weathers the Breeze



3 years, 7 months ago


+Charismatic +Loyal +Driven

+/- Confident +/- Passionate +/- Earnest

-Brash - Stubborn - Cocky

Flame has made it clear time and time again he's willing to say whatever is needed to get things done — maybe he doesn't go as far as to tell a lie, but, the truth can be just as convincing at times. If the Ancestors can tell such convoluted truths, why can't he? He is doing it in their name, after all. That aside, Flame is genuinely a cat of the people. Just about all of his brainpower goes into figuring out how exactly to better things in the territories; though, the most of that is dedicated to keeping the Druids at the top. He often keeps himself awake pacing and thinking deep into the night, contemplating solutions for issues that have plagued the group for moons (haha — get it?), and for his efforts he seems almost constantly exhausted, though it doesn't seem to affect him too poorly if he's made it this far. The bog'll be a good enough resting place when he's finally left his mark.


Flame, as with all Druids, was born a nameless kit. Unlike most Druids, his birth wasn't the most calm affair — while the process itself went fine, things got a little rocky when his parents were left to discuss how two grey tabby cats had managed to produce a litter that had a ginger and white tabby kit.

Needless to say, something had happened somewhere along the way, not that Flame ever bothered with it. Being raised on the sound of low-voiced squabbling and cursing did little to fulfill his early days, but, he made up for it by making his own company as soon as he could. He was far less interested in his siblings than in all the other cats around camp, and despite warnings against it, he was eager to explore.

From the moment Flame was old enough to walk, he was off like a rocket. There was no stopping him, and he was ready to absorb all of the information they had to give him — for better or for worse. He was eager to set his sights on real training, brute forcing his way through the struggles that came with learning all of the herbs.

Rather than slowing down as the moons went on, Flame grew only more determined, and he had his eyes set on the prize — Councilor. He could talk the talk, that was for sure, and he wasn't about to let anybody forget it. When his time finally came, he accepted the role of Speaker eagerly, and is more then dedicated to his craft now.