
More Tough Breaker action coming your way! However I have to admit, this is kind of a cheat as this isn't an entirely new character...kind of.

No, this is some lore stuff that I didn't feel like putting into one of my Case Files since it's technically a new character. But yeah, about that lore:

Since it's inception way back when, Hillcrest Valley has always been a melting pot of cultures. All walks of life have and will continue to set foot, whether you be a regal English noble or a commoner from an Asian country such as Japan.

In the late 60's/early 70's, a boom was happening on Japanese soil that would change the world: The Tokusatsu show. Special effects packed action shows that feautred costumed heroes fighting for the spirit of Justice.

It was these shows that inspired one Delinquent to rise above and beyond his common punk. Traveling to America with a hand-made costume, he was the Kamen Bancho, Masked Delinquent for the English speaking crowd.

And in his short time state-side in Hillcrest, he showed Delinquents the true way of fighting. For justice, for honor, and for the little guy.


He was beloved by his new found American comrades that when his time was up, he decided to pass on the mantle to another Delinquent. And so while Masked Delinquent walked off into the sunset, never to be seen again...

But when everyone thought that the dust had settled, a new Masked Delinquent appeared, handpicked by the first to continue their march of Justice!

This would continue for the next two decades and some change. But nowadays, the Masked Delinquent is nothing but a myth, a legend, a fable. But rumbling of a new MD have begun to make their way down the grapevine, just in time for a secret underground tournament as well.

Is it true? Will the Masked Delinquent return? Only time will tell...


tl;dr Kamen Rider inspired character that Markus revives to help Takeo out in a tournament, innit a cool look?