
Another triple pack today! Technically it's a quad pack as I've cheated with another pair of Twins, but fuck it, triple bios it is!

First up is a guy who goes by many names. Names he gives himself because much like myself, he can't get himself over with the SummerSlam crowd.

The Suburban Shogun, The Dirty Blonde Swordsman, The Wannabe Ronin, Dane Statler


Name: Dane Statler
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7"
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: High Schooler
Nationality: American
Home City: Bookerton Heights, New York
Likes: Samurai media, the Katana, Bushido, Rap and Hip-Hop, fighting, getting paid by Markus
Dislikes: Japan's use of the Samurai as an icon for nationalist pride, being shit on for his weak flows, losing, his feelings about his lack of self-esteem
Favorite Food: Grilled Wagyu beef
Personality: Loud, proud, annoying, thinks way too highly of himself
Fighting Style: Kendo, General Swordfighting
Hot Blood Level and Ability: Level 4.5

-Energy Manipulation/Attacks: Is able to channel his raw Hot Blood energy into blasts and enhanced attacks

-Pyrokinesis: Charging his Hot Blood into his sword, Dane can set his blade ablaze for stronger, fiery attacks


Sometimes in life, all you need is one piece of media to change who you are. This can be for the better and worst. For Dane, it's somewhere in the middle.

Dane Statler, a kid from the 'burbs had one goal from a young age in life: Become the next big thing in Rap and Hip-Hop to come out of Hillcrest Valley since MC Skittle in the 90's.

But somewhere along the way, Dane gained a new goal in life: Become a samurai!

After indulging on Samurai movies from his cousin, Dane wanted nothing more in life than to study the blade as he studied the beats. And after finding an actual, factual, real steal katana in a pawn shop, he was off to the races.

Kendo classes, reading books, watching more movies and getting really, really good with Haohmaru at Samurai Shodown while listening to the Wu-Tang shaped him into the swordsman he is now.

But for as good as his skills with the blade are, they weren't enough to defeat Markus Schaffer, an up and coming boss of Hillcrest Valley. In his defeat, he's now another general beneath Markus, operating out of Bookerton Heights.

At the very least he's on Markus' payroll, so if the street fighting doesn't pan out against that Takeo guy, at least he has enough to upgrade his DJ gear!
