
Next up is the obligatory Ninja character. You gotta have at least one in every Shounen story. Right?

Meet The Shinobi Next Door, Darrien McCloud!


Name: Darrien McCloud
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7"
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: High Schooler
Nationality: American
Home City: Atlanta, Georgia
Likes: Ninja based media, collecting cool skate shoes, practicing his sword skills, free-running across town, the record shop he works at
Dislikes: Dane Statler, people falling for obvious right-wing rhetoric, people who knock Naruto, Dead Or Alive
Favorite Food: Beef Stew
Personality: Stoic, Quiet
Fighting Style: Ninjutsu, Judo, Koppojutsu, Weapon Fighting
Hot Blood Level and Ability: Level 4.5

-Enhanced Athleticism: Self-explanitory, he's a Ninja after all

-Ninja Magic: Using his Hot Blood, Darrien is able to conjure summons, elemental attacks and so on via Nartuo-esque hand motions


Quiet, lurking in the shadows and never wanting to be seen. An apt, if not basic, description of the Ninja, Japan's secret class of warrior heroes that were fetishzed during the 80's action movie boom. But it would also describe one Darrien McCloud, a quiet, shy boy who didn't have much in the way of friends. But he preferred it that way. Because he had something better: A set of Ninja manuals telling him the secrets of Ninjutsu!

Training himself for years, he hononed all the skills of the Ninja. Stealth, quiet takedowns, weapon fighting, the whole ten yards. And once his budding Hot Blood potential came into bloom, it was all over for anyone who thought they'd be able to cross him.

But someone did. Markus Schaffer. It was a chance encounter with Markus and some of his lower ranking members, they were easy to get through. But Markus' mastery of the Hot Blood was more than enough to inch out a win on Darrien.

And as the rules of the Valley go, if the Boss beats you, you're under his wing. And ever honorable, Darrien subsided. But unbeknowst to Markus, Darrien has been planning a coup with some other members. And if they can get Takeo in on it, they might just have a chance.
