
And here we are, the final two of what was supposed to be a weeklong-ish upload that turned into a quagmire of not getting shit done because that's how it be in 2020!

Another double pack, these two aren't related, but they will have more importance down the line. How important? I got art of these two commssioned. You'll see em' tomorrow!

But for now, meet the leader of the Valley's wealthy teens, The Rich Dix, Augustus McAllister and Angelo Durst!


(NOTE: As these two are sharing a sheet so to not make this page a mile long, facts will be seperated by a / for these two. I.E. Augustus/Angelo)

Name: Augustus McAllister and Angelo Durst
Age: 17/17
Gender: Male/Male
Height: 6'0"/5'9"
Sexuality: Straight/Gay
Occupation: High Schooler, Rich heirs
Nationality: American/British
Home City: Chicago, Illinois/London's East End
Likes: Singing, jazz music, scatting (no poop jokes, Mark), playing saxophone, fine clothing, his status, his girlfriend Sharlette Ball who left the island with her family to move out west/fighting, his body, big tits, getting his way, his vanity, throwing money around like it's going out of style, his pet taranchula 'Dusty', driving around in his dad's Porsche
Dislikes: Being told his fashion is out of style, people who can't setup a microphone properly, getting owned by the mainlanders, trophy hunting, the poor whelps of the mainland, Markus/quiet timid people, being told to pipe it down, being told his haircut is whack, poor people, Augustus still pining over a 'bitch' who betrayed their inner circle of friends by moving out west to work on a farm
Favorite Food: Filet Mignon/Bangers and Mash
Personality: Cunning, Manipulative, Silvertounged/Loud, brash, unapologetic
Fighting Style: Boxing, American Kickboxing/American Kickboxing, Taekwondo, Hybridfighting
Hot Blood Level and Ability: Both are Level 5 in their first apperance, Level 6.8 when they reappear later on as major arc villains

Aside from the Hot Blood basics, these two both have a host of animal based powers, coming from the Elk and Spider respectively.

Augustus's skills of an Elk include:

-Antler Protrusion (Specifically, can generate Antlers and Antler like growths for attacks)

-Enhanced Agility

-Enhanced Hearing

-Enhanced Leap

-Enhanced Speed

-Environmental Adaptation

-Night Vision

-Prey Instinct

-Speed Swimming

Angelo's Spider kit gives him:

-Appendage Generation/Multiple Arms (Can generate another pair of arms or legs, favors more arms for most attacks)

-Contaminant Immunity

-Danger Intuition

-Enhanced Agility

-Enhanced Balance

-Enhanced Strength

-Poison Generation (Specifically, can jab his fingers into his victim, injecting them with a poison that temporarily paralizes the body)

-Powerful Bite


-And of course, web shooting

Both can also morph into humanoid beastforms, which I'll be calling Beastoid, that double down on their animalistic powers. I'll post commissioned art of these forms later


Off the coast of Miracle Bay, nestled smackdab in the middle of the Hillcret River is the Island of Prix, home to the Valley's most weathiest residents and their families.

As one could imagine, the island and it's residents are frequently milened as rich dicks who think they can just throw their money about. And not helping this admittedly true stereotype are the duo of the island's two most wealthiest families.

Augustus McAllister and Angelo Durst.

An aspiring musician, singer, son of a powerful hotel magnate and his loud and rowdy sidekick who enjoys flashing that wad and cracking skulls, the two lead the Island's teen population as it's ironfisted leaders. But on the main land, it's a different story.

Defeated by Markus, a former Islander himself, the two have becomed embroiled in his plot to gain imortality as some of his higher ranking generals.

However, they won't go down so easily. They might take the L whilest under Markus's reign as Valley King, but once his rule has been dissolved after his defeat by Takeo, it's all off the table now.

For far too long, the island of Prix and it's kin have been ridiculed by the main landers. And now that they aren't under the rule of a mainlander themselves, it's time for revenge.

Even if Augustus and Angelo have to get...beastly...
