
DID SOMEONE SAY B-B-B-BONUS CHARACTER?? Nope, but I figured I'd throw one in to make up for my shit ass uploading frequency this month~!

Another character for Ring Rabbit, more specifically the big tournament arc at the end o' the story, it's Ayumi's cousin from the wrestling world making her way down to the ring! The Aquatic Strangler, Hanako Kyojima!


Name: Hanako Kyojima
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9"
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Pro Wrestler, former Olympic tier athlete
Nationality: Japanese
Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan
Likes: Pro Wrestling, Being a bit of a tease, swimming, spotting the rally towel guy in an arena, OSW Reviews
Dislikes: Her cousin's nagging, wedgies from her ring gear, being told to fight as a foreign heel
Favorite Food: Anmitsu
Personality: Showboaty, braggy, rude, can be a bit of a slacker/'I'll wing it'
Fighting Style: Hybridfighting (Strong/Shootstyle), Olympic Wrestling


As we've gone over before, the Kyojima family is known for their incredible dominance in the sports arena as the star heir, Ayumi, continues to conquer sport after sport. However, Ayumi isn't the only Kyojima of the next generation keeping the family name loud and proud. On the other end of the spectrum is Ayumi's cousin, Hanako Kyojima.

While not as dominating a force like Ayumi, Hanako is still a gold standard athlete in her own right. Her sporting forte being swimming, gymnastics and professional wrestling.

Unlike her cousin, who took up martial arts and grappling later on in her life, Hanako always had her foot firmly planted in the world of combat sports since her teen years. Growing up a fan of the squared circle, it was always her goal in life to step into the ring like many before her.

And after some years and a few tours in various territories, including a stint in Puerto Rico that left her with scars, she had finally won over the crowd and became a certified indie darling of the Floridian wrestling scene.

But now, like EVERY FRIGGIN' CHARACTER IN THIS DAMN ASS STORY, she wants a slice of that MMA pie. After learning of her cousin's entry into the D1 Open after the two had a heated argument about Hanako's dedication to the family name, she decides she'll enter just to see if she can knock her stick-up-her-ass cousin down a peg or two~
