


9 years, 1 month ago


✦ Noname

Name: Noname
Alias: /
Age: ?????
Birthday: ?????
Gender: Male
Height: Seems to change...?
Species: Human...?
World: Nevien
OC Number: 050

Noname is the creator and ruler of Nevien. Despite his high rank, he sees himself and behaves like a normal citizen. He loves to introduce new arrivals to the world's basics and to show them around. Often he also teaches them about magic or Nevienna, the world's own language.

While he appears as a friendly and peaceful person, if needed, he doesn't hesitates to fight or even murder those who disturb the peace. His weapon of choice is a scythe, yet he can also summon pink flames which seem to always leave scars if one gets in contact with them.

✦ Design details to keep in mind

  • His coat covers his body most of the time actually; it's rare to see his actual clothes beneath.

✦ Trivia

  • He sometimes seems to sparkle.
  • While it may not be obvious at first, his looks resemble that of a grim reaper. He chose a different colour than black to appear more trustworthy.
  • His name isn't spoken like the English "No Name" but instead just the German reading of No-na-me. (If it helps, ノナメ works, too)
  • Current worth: /

✦ Background

✦ Pre-Nevien Life: Sayn

Sayn always had the rare ability to walk through dreams. Even already as a kid, he could interact with the dreamers and even influence them a little bit. He never realized that he actually kept the person in the dream so that they couldn't wake up until he disappeared again - the main reason his parents tried to keep him or atleast his ability a secret. It made him feel lonely and at first he invited these other dreamers to his home what only got his family in trouble. Also, speaking to people in the reality was way harder than in a dream so even those few contacts quickly disappeared, as he couldn't enter a person's dream twice.
To distract himself, he started to create his own dream world and called it Nevien. In his eyes, it was a perfect world but it still was so lifeless... Trying to think up inhabitants did not work - so he "invited" real people. He got into their dreams and dragged them into Nevien. They could not leave until he himself woke up, a problem he couldn't find a solution to at that point.

At the age of 21 he moved away from his parents and into a bigger city. Originally he wanted to use the E.W.E. service to get to other worlds but he didn't had enough money for that.

A big city brought new possibilities to think about how to keep the same people in Nevien. As soon as he realized that the main problem was him waking up, he tried numerous things to sleep longer. He even tried drugs which didn't worked the way he wanted to but therefore showed an interesting effect: the more people he kept in Nevien, the better he would feel once he woke up. What he did not know was that even if he overdosed, he did not die by that.

One day, while he was walking through the streets of the city, he was pulled into an accident and fell into a koma - a state he has always longed for. Finally, not being able to wake up, he could pull people into his dream world, without them leaving ever again. Indeed, they fell into some kind of koma as well, but their consciousness slowly faded and merged within his world, making the people die in the real life but staying forever in Nevien.

As his state hadn't changed over months, his family finally decided to turn off the machines that kept him alive.
He didn't die.

All those consciousnesses gathered in his dream world gave him more and more strength. He had regained health by connecting with other dreamers and draining their energy before, but this time it would definitely end in death for his victims while his own life span increased more and more - it made him unable to die. Not even the strongest poisons could harm him anymore, as way too many people were already lost in his dream world. The 'Guard's didn't target him, as he didn't harm people actively. He indeed became unstoppable.

✦ A loved Ruler

» Main Design

As he could control any aspect of his dream world, he made sure that those people who'd stay forever would come to adore him and that they'd give new arrivals a positiv view of him. Him, the giving Creator. Him, the loving Creator. Him, the perfect Creator.

While weak consciunesses easily gave in and up to become one with Nevien, there were of course other with a stornger will to return. In such cases, Noname himself would handle to process of them giving in - may it be by kind words or with force. Either way was fine with him, after all, he had nothing to lose and even less to fear.
In rare cases, he'd let certain individuals go back into the reality again - but with paying a price that they wouldn't be aware of until they'd wake up. Often, they were the most stubborn ones out of a group, so if they were send back, they'd only experience loss over loss; and regrets for having left the perfect dream.

✦ Relationships



[ Personal Guardian ]

After having forced his original self through five reincarnations, Souca, the sixth one, eventually had given up any resistance. Quite happy about the development, Noname turnt him into his Personal Guardian; simply out of spite. While he actually doesn't need a guardian at all, the scenario of a prisoner defending his own prison master was too enjoyable for him.

Relationship chart taken from vom's coding and modified by me.