


3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Estella (Last name TBH)


February 14th


17-18 (Ages as story goes on)





Blood Type



(Haven't decided yet)





Favorite Music

Enjoys all kinds but likes Rock

Favorite Colours

Grey, Yellow, Green

Favorite Animals

Butterflies and Moths

Fashion style

Tom Boyish to Mature

Fighting Style

Karate/Kick boxing (Fights with fists)


Changes all the time


Not being herself


She suffers from constant vivid dreams and her memories of the past do not feel like her own


To help other people achieve their dreams

Dream Ability

Can strengthen other people's abilities

Dream Appearance

Fairy Like and Princess Like


Appearance: Estella is a pinkish-blonde haired, her hair is dyed as it is normally black. However, her hair colour can vary a bit from platinum blonde, to greyish, to pinkish-blonde. With fairly long hair,, she tends to change the style of it on a whim, so it can be straight or put up depending on her mood. She is well endowed (Uncommon with my ocs I know). Her colour choice is often dark grey outfits, in particular sleeveless ones. During her day to day school life, she tends to wear pants or shorts depending on the weather. Her right arm is scarred due to a fire, but she always makes sure to show it rather then cover it up. Her eyes are dun coloured as well. When she unlocked her ability within the dream land, her outfit changes, I haven't decided what it'll look like yet but it'll likely be a mix of a fairy design and a princess. She's fairly boyish and girlish in her clothing choice. I may give her a standard outfit eventually but this is it for now. 

Personality: Estella is a bit hard to bond with when you first meet her, as she has a few walls up. However, when those are down she shows me a quite kind person. She enjoys helping people with their dreams and aid them in their goals. She's a fairly mature girl who tends to act a bit older then she is, but when you tease her in the right way that mature side drops and she becomes more likely to bicker. She's both boyish and girly as well. It's a bit hard to describe the way she acts, as she also changes as the story goes on. I think at some points she seems to struggle with her emotions, as events in the story occur. 

Backstory: Due to having constant dreams about the town she used to live in she decided to move back there for her last year in highschool. Her brother was already a student teacher there and living there so she decided to move in with him to figure out what those dreams meant. The dreams she had dealt with an event that occurred years ago in the city, when a large amount of adults died in a incident that occurred when the town was developing. Back then Estella met a child named Kelebrik and now every single she sleeps she dreams about them again, always talking with them. Estella feels as though after the day that incident occurred her memories from before that day didn't feel like her own, so it was if she was reborn that day. After the incident she left her town, and went to the city that the phone kids live in and went to MSS(She's in grade 11 while phone kids takes place).