
3 years, 7 months ago


Name: Corn
Real Name: Unknown

Age: Young Adult

Species: Alien

Gender: Demi-Boy
Pronouns: He/They

Sexuality: Bi-romantic/Demisexual
Status: Single


  • Food of any and all types and kinds
  • Trying new things
  • Bothering his self-proclaimed best friend Sprout
  • Anything made of corn
  • His spaceship
  • Local American fairs or amusement parks


  • Being told something is 'not good to eat' 
  • Boredom
  • Having to do real work back in space
  • When his ship malfunctions


  • Corn got his name after his ship broke down and caused him to crash land into a corn field. Some locals came to investigate and found the stranger standing blankly in their field looking confused. They asked why he was in their corn, and he assumed they had named him
  • He's a bit of a jock, and is very proud of his size and strength but tries to only use it for good
  • Corn has a 'earthling' form that he takes on as a precaution but after getting to know the locals around his crash site he doesn't mind parading as his normal alien self. Even if it frightened everyone at first
  • When in his earthling form, Corn is almost a solid 2 feet shorter than he actually is and takes on the embodiment of a earth feline. His alien form is much larger, has four arms, four antenna and whiskers that act as a broadcast system to help him communicate 
  • Corn's favorite meal is a good classic american burger and fries or a classic fairground funnel cake with jam
  • He's responsible for dragging Sprout to earth the first time, but it worked in the other's favor as they found earth life to be much more quiet and peaceful and took up residence

Design by LazyMushroom on Telegram