


3 years, 6 months ago


name: Cantrip


-common canine ears

-common paws

-uncommon deer tail

-rare avian mask

personality: wary, cautious, protective

backstory: Cantrip was alone for most of their life, and raised pigeons for company. they found an odd kinship with the birds, especially considering their mask resembled a pigeon’s face.

they had journeyed all the way to earth to find the pigeons, and were very proud of their fowl, even if the birds were a motley bunch.

But then another hound attacked their pigeons in the night, and Cantrip was heartbroken. the pigeons had vanished just like that!

they swore to find some way to resurrect their fowl, and get some vengeance on the mysterious attacker.

they carry the potions they have formulated to try to resurrect on their back. their fur colours have been faded and stained by the potions, but still they try to revive their birds. it is said you can find them in shady areas of town attempting to resurrect beings with the potions, trying in vain to find a way to have their feathered friends join them once more. and in the darker parts of town, once in a while you will hear cooing... maybe the pigeons weren’t killed in the first place. maybe something is out there, using the fowl for their own nefarious purposes...or perhaps as a bargaining chip to get Cantrip on their side?