

  • Nicknames: Axel, Akhi'sae
  • Species: Miqo'te (Keepers of the Moon)
  • Gender: Male
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Age: 29
  • Birthday: January 28th
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Relationship Status: Taken (Dogma)
  • Sexuality: Gay
  • Power type: Varied, but uses very little magic in general
  • Voice claim: Dave B Mitchell

Personality: Semiserious; Stubborn; Puts up a stern and naggy front

About: A man that takes his duties very seriously, Axion lives the life of a mercenary that helps those in need, all by the side of his husband, Dogma. He tends to get snappy if things go awry, and has a sort of front he puts up to feel more in control that has him coming off as snobby and a nag, and goes on the usual stereotypical "don't you know who I am?" and "don't you understand how important this is? It must never be taken so lightly!" sorts of rambles. Though once you get past the front he puts up, he's reasonable and calm, and even a tad easy to fluster at times. He's still got a slight seriousness to him and his stubbornness, though, so it's best to assume you won't get away with much.

Extra Info:

  • He may be taken in his main portrayal, but he's a multiship OC
  • He may have a few elements from the Final Fantasy series, but his lore doesn't tie in with it at all, and is intended as a standalone character
  • To ascribe a personality archetype to him, he would be a mild tsundere, which is the main reasoning behind his front he puts up to seem more snobby and how he can easily become flustered sometimes. He's not one to lash out harshly at Dogma, though, and reserves that for other people. The worst he'll do to Dogma is kind of freak out if he gets too overwhelmed by affection being given to him in front of other people in public
  • His head, ears, and tail are extremely sensitive when touched by someone else, and because of this, he has a genuine fear of someone else brushing out his hair and/or fur for him if it's really tangled up
  • He makes cat-like noises sometimes depending on how he's feeling. If he gets flustered suddenly by Dogma's sudden affections, he'll possibly let out an embarrassed "Mrryaaa-!"
  • He can purr, and does so often when cuddling with Dogma at home
  • He has a nervous habit of scratching his index fingers with his claw on his thumbs when he's under a lot of stress, and has made his fingers bleed before
  • His purple markings on his face are face paint, and this face paint design is what he chose for his oath to Dogma, whose clan uses face paint to mark a couple sworn to each other. It's a replacement for wedding rings of sorts, even though they also have wedding rings as well (as per Axion's traditions) for the days they decide to not put on the face paint again
  • Axion comes from and currently live in Celestae, where Lunarius, Ure-SHII, and Ember live
  • He has a minor phobia of low noises, like blowing air into a bottle, due to a low hum a wolf made before suddenly snarling and lunging and attacking his friends he'd been outside playing with as a child. He's gotten a lot better with it though, and at this point, it usually only causes him to jolt a little bit from being startled, but doesn't cause any lingering anxiety or flashbacks to the wolf incident anymore. On bad days it does make him anxious for a while, though
  • He loves to read and learn, and tends to show that snobby nagging front at times if an important library is mentioned in a context of the person seemingly not understanding the importance of it
  • His full name before he changed it was Ahki'sae Mewrilah. He now only has his single name, Axion
  • He had three older brothers, but all were killed in a conflict that had them protecting a currently teenaged Axion and a large number of the others in their village. After their death, Axion ran from the village and decided to start over with his life, starting with a brand new name

Character rules:

  • NSFW is definitely permitted, but I'd like to be credited for creating the character and shown whatever is done every time NSFW content of any kind is made
  • Shipping with the character is absolutely fine, as long as it isn't anything gross (like with an underage character, obviously) or going against the character's established info (like shipping a gay character with the opposite gender)
  • Using the character for violence and gore is permitted, but I'd like to be shown whatever is created with them. I don't mind gore and can handle it
  • This character is NOT to be used for any hate speech, or political propaganda
  • Commercial use of the character in ANY way is FORBIDDEN. This definitely includes linking to the media with ad links and putting it behind any sort of paywall or something similar (i.e Patreon)
  • If you are unsure about anything mentioned in these rules or otherwise, PLEASE ask me, and I'll be happy to answer