Cassidy Gilvon



3 years, 7 months ago


Name: Cassidy Gilvon

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual orientation: Lesbian

Birthday: 2nd May

Year/Grade: 2nd


Ability score: 4.0

Tier: Elite

Ability: Magnet Clamp

Ability description: User can create a magnet ring-like thing that can clamp onto or cling onto objects. The user can then pull it back towards their hands, like a magnet attracting the other magnet back, thereby pulling whatever the target is back. If the user is skilful enough, they can move objects elsewhere too. User can only make ten aura clamps at a time. The aura clamp thing lasts for 5 hours or until a stronger power destroys it or until user wills it away


Personality: extroverted, kinda short-tempered, sympathetic, understanding, open-minded, humble, patient, kinda disorganised, spontaneous


Hair colour: Dark turquoise, a few locks of white hair

Eye colour: Lavender purple

Signature colour: Lavender purple

Height: 166cm

Build: Slim, pear body shape, oval face shape

Skin: Pecan brown


Background: Cassidy has a twin sister, Jenna, whom she's very close to. They've been together their whole life, and shares a lot with each other. Their family is another story. Cassidy's parents only wanted one kid, not two. As far as Cassidy remembers, their parents were not often together at home, and when they were, they would often argue with each other. Cassidy remembers most of her time up until she was 6 years old playing with Jenna in their shared bedroom while yells could be heard in a distance. Their biological family are elites/high tiers, so they were kinda wealthy and had butlers etc that took cared of Cassidy and Jenna. However, it seemed that Cassidy's parents had grown so spiteful of each other that they wanted to divorce. However, neither were satisfied with the whole agreement shit so they ended up leaving Cassidy and Jenna in an orphanage. This had an impact on Cassidy. When Cassidy and Jenna were 8 years old, they were adopted by a family of cripples and low tiers. Cassidy and Jenna was distrustful at first. She felt like they only wanted to use their powers or something. However, the family was genuinely loving and caring, and Cassidy eventually welcomed the warmth. Going to school was quite strange. They attended a local school that was mostly full of cripples, low tiers, some mid tiers. So Cassidy and Jenna were quite strong for their age. Cassidy didn't know how to handle the odd treatment they were getting, and mostly kept to Jenna. They would play around with their abilities a lot, wanting to ignore all the problems in life. One day, some mid tiers came raiding their district because of how easy it was. Enraged, Cassidy and Jenna wondered why they weren't being saved by the authorities. They joined a bunch of adults in ridding the district of them. This amplified Cassidy's distrust of others, but also made her feel more humble. Her time in the district and the family made her feel sympathetic to cripples etc as well. She empathised with the longing feeling of acceptance and love from others, and she was grateful for the family for taking them in. When she entered high school, she wanted to make their family proud, and she expressed this to Jenna as they always would. They sadly wound up in different classes but agreed to meet up at break. Cassidy managed to get acquainted to a classmate, but was still cautious and decided to worry about them later, because she got a bad feeling as soon as class ended. She immediately dashed off to Jenna's class, where she found a crowd gathering. Cassidy instinctively knew that Jenna would be in the middle, and she activated her ability while getting through the crowd. The twins were confident in their fighting ability because thanks to their adoptive family, they had great experience and skill in hand-to-hand combat. As Cassidy thought, three guys had instigated a fight and were standing face-to-face to Jenna. Cassidy joined Jenna, and managed to hold off the boys before the teachers came. They even managed to take out one of the boys. The teachers scolded them, but that was it. Jenna was visibly impacted by the whole incident, but Cassidy instinctively knew to simply comfort her instead of prompting for more information. The year went on, and Cassidy made two new friends. Jenna didn't seem to bother making friends, and Cassidy started to feel like something was up. They had gotten to be in the same dorm room, so that night when they went to bed Jenna talked to Cassidy. She did not like it here, where the hierarchy was enforced, how judgemental everyone was, how quick everyone was to just.. fight. The twins stayed close to each other, and Cassidy chose her twin sister over her friends. This did not bode well, because of Cassidy's friends. They disliked Jenna, and didn't like how Cassidy was not hanging out with them anymore. They shunned the twins, and spread a few rumours. This angered Cassidy. She confronted the ringleader after school, and he acted like a piece of shit so Cassidy, not being able to control her temper anymore, lashed out at him. Somehow, Jenna seemed to know where they were, and came dashing to the scene. The twins managed to win the fight. Cassidy and Jenna were walking away when the dude lifted up his head and informed them that they were their father's new son, and basically insulted them. Cassidy knocked him out, and Jenna tutted her head. Cassidy and Jenna continued to stay close, but were more closed off,, quiet and distrustful to the others around them. They sympathised the lower tiers and helped them out randomly when they were in the mood, which didn't exactly help their reputation but they didn't give a fuck. Cassidy and Jenna disliked the royals and the hierarchy in general, but knew they couldn't really do a lot about it. They mostly stayed together because they knew that they fought well together, and it was less likely for people to try instigating a fight if they were together. There were a few times when some arrogant assholes took them on, but they made sure to take them out. Over summer break (after their first year), Cassidy started to question the authorities more and more due to their absence in the low tier districts. Cassidy and Jenna had to help fight off attackers quite often. The twins went out on a trip to the mall once, and they realised just how apparent the hierarchy was in the public. They hadn't exactly gone out often before. Jenna started working in a mall too, and she had to deal with assholery customers. Cassidy was escorted out several times because of her "unruly behaviour". In the beginning of her second year, Cassidy was asked out randomly by a random classmate. Obviously, Cassidy rejected him, but the dude was so self-centered, delusional and arrogant that he couldn't handle the rejection. He recklessly lashed out at Cassidy, and she knocked him out. Cassidy and Jenna used to study in the library, but they decided to chill in their dorms more often after the incidents. They both started to question the sanity of their classmates more often.