Jessie Patel



3 years, 6 months ago


A short title

  •  Name   Jessie Patel 
  •  Age   15 
  •  Gender   Female (she/her) 
  •  species   white-tailed deer 
  •  Height   156cm 
  •  birthday   june 11th 
  •  Zodiac sign   Gemini 
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

"Hello! uhm, do you know where my bracelet is???''


Jessie is a very kind person. She enjoys talking to people and making them happy. She has a hard time making decisions, so she always has to ask someone for their opinion. Jessie is very hesitant with love, and doesn't know a lot about it, so if a conversation about love comes up, she tries to change the conversation to something else. Jessie is rather trustworthy and is able to keep secrets, but this can be used for some rather negative stuff... Jessie can and will go on a spree about her special interests and what she has hyperfixated herself on. Jessie get's disstracted easily and usually procrastinates on things she doesn't like.


Jessie has long blonde hair with light brown horns on top. She has light blue/silver eyes with somewhat light brown skin. She has a blue skirt with belts and a white t-shirt, and she has blue loose sleeves on her arms. Jessie has a black and a white pearl bracelet that she got from her sister. She has brown shoes with white short socks on that aren't visible at all.

  •  Ethnicity   half black half white american 
  •  Residence   with their family in america 
  •  Job   student 
  •  Sexuality   pansexual 
  • ● She got her bracelet from her sister on christmas.
  • ● Known for being a bit of a cluts.
  • ● Known for daydreaming a lot in class, which makes her a bit forgetful sometimes.
  • ● Jessie is sometimes known as the therapist friend, because she's always there to help her friends with problems.
  • ● Has undiagnosed ADHD. She once thought she had it, but then just kinda forgot about it.
  • ● She sometimes get all excited and bouncy but the next minute she can be laying in bed and feel totally drained which is rather exchausting to her.
  • ● Has a LOT of special interests. She can get hyperfixated on something really fast. (her current hyperfixation is she-ra)
  • cartoons!
  • greek gods and greek history
  • sleeping;;
  • her close friends
  • music from cartoons
  • -
  • having to do things she doesn't wanna do.
  • havin to listen to boring things. Especially when it's things she doesn't like or isn't interested in.
  • lazy people who don't do anything all day.
  • -
  • -
  • -


(still need to write it so this is empty for now!)

still empty lol -L 2021



Jenny Jessie and Jenny are best friends and they do almost everything together. They met in preschool and have been inseparable since then.

Jennya Jessie and Jennya are good friends. They met in preschool and became good friends since then.

Jessica Jessie and Jessica are siblings. So they are very close.

Joio Joio and Jessie are pretty good friends. They met in preschool but started talking to eachother in middleschool.

Lonne Lonne and Jessie are pretty good friends. They met in preschool but started talking to eachother in middleschool.

Lin Lin and Jessie are pretty good friends. They met in preschool but started talking to eachother in middleschool.

profile html by Hukiolukio