


3 years, 6 months ago


Name Mitzi

Age 24

Birthday 9/15

Star Sign Virgo

Gender Female (She/Her)

Species Feline

Height 5 Ft

Orientation Pansexual

Occupation E-girl/Streamer


  • Anime
  • Yaoi/BL
  • Goth/Emo Aesthetics

  • Trolls and Perverts
  • Being regonized in public
  • Pop Music

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How goes it, Goth Gals, Emo boys, and Sad NBs. It's y'gurl MITZI!

She's very clumsy, bubbly, and ditzy. She's very friendly and sweet to just about everyone. Except the trolls and to hard video games. She's gullible, but learning to get a back bone as she gets more popular online. She is down to earth despite her online popularity. She likes having a line between her real life and online life. She doesn't like when fans recognize her inrl, mainly cause online she's an extrovert and offline she's more introverted. Her online persona is loud, gullible, and quick to anger, but she's usually very collected inrl. She's a weeb and secretly into yaoi/BL. She likes the goth aesthetic, despite her pink fur. She's getting over being self conscious about her asymmetrical fur pattern, but she has some anxiety about it cause of past bullying and online trolls. Her favorite color is black and shades of grey.



Taro Boyfriend/Crush/Best Friend

Mitzi considers Taro one of the best things to ever happen to her. She values his friendship very much before they start dating. She thinks he's a great listener and a little too hard on himself. Now that they're dating, she is glad she gets to smooch his cute face on the regular. She is smitten by him, and will do anything to make him feel comfortable around her.

Ashe Adopted Sister

Ashe is Mitzi's adopted sister. The two were close as kids. Ashe is the one who came up with the idea for Mitzi to be an "e-girl" cause she knew Mitzi had the skills to do it. Ashe wanted to do it herself, but her anxiety gets in the way, so she manages Mitzi's career and works in the shadows as the "big boss" (a name given to her by Mitzi's fans) .

Name Relationship

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