Regina Ambrosio



3 years, 6 months ago


Regina Ambrósio

an deceitful astrophycist, the only thing bigger than her love for the universe was her hubris.
full name
Dr. Regina Esteves Ambrósio
Regi (friends), Gigi (Emanuel)
female ("cisgender")

She was bright scienstist, always expecting to reach greatness for herself in the astrophysics field - and that's were the "portal to another universe" idea came from. As a kid she was afraid of space and thought black holes would kill her, but that delevoped into obssession and passion for the subject, and was early set into pursuing a career in the area.

The obssession and god complex turned into a deathly trap, the more she studied about black holes and wormholes, the more she knew it was possible to create something big and during university she had already started early calculations and sketches, but fully dove into it after ███████████ ████ ████ ██ █ ████████ ██████ ███ ███ ████ ████████ ███ ███ ██████, and was more stable at her job.

She died a lonely death, drowned in secrets and hubris.

Associated Symbols
Pastel Pink
a colour
Pampas Dear
an animal
a plant
Old Journal
an object
Masochist Ball - Typhoon
a song
a feeling



Regina seems like a open person, with mellow ways and easy to talk to

goals & motivations
Building her portal and gaining fame from it; strived to achieve greatness and make the world more fantastic; keeping the people she cared about safe from ██ ███ ████
Very secretive and tended to not ask for help even if badly needed; enabled peoples bad habits/behaviors to justify her own; had a holier-than-thou and condencending attitude towards others
Preferences and Habits

Does having a secret portal count? But besides that, likes playing patience on her phone. Has read every book/paper she could find about black holes, wormholes and anything that would help with building her portal. Likes doing small DIY projects, like building simple furniture or fixing broken things in interesting ways.

Living space

As a whole her apartament is organized and neat, with lots of decoration and some clutter. But Emanuel is the one who does the most cleaning around and she rarely allows him into her room, so her room is a "organized mess", books everywhere, more clothes in her furniture than wardrobe, layer and layers of papers, etc... She still knows where everything is and doesn't mind it, and Regina also has the suite and appreciates larger spaces.

Cooking and food

Cooking is very tiring for Regina, so she dislikes doing so and prefers having take out, foods that simple to make, making someone else do it or just not eating. Because of that her eating habits are very irregular even thought she loves eating with the people she loves, favors spicy and bittersweet flavors and will eat about anything.


Has a highter tolerance to heat and prefers it over the cold weather, during winter her chronic pain tends to worsen and gives her nosebleeds. Likes summer and having a fan right on her face.


Had a cocaine addiction during college that turned into a pain medicine addiction. She was glad that she didn't use it anymore but at times she almost had relapses, which incidentally made her double down on the pain meds.


February 2nd, 1987 (São Paulo, Brazil)
São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Brazillian and Latina
Br Portuguese (1st), English, some Spanish
Egress Laboratories (Astrophysicist, Departament of Theorical Astrophysics)

BSc, Physics (São Paulo, Brazil)
MSc, Solar System Astrophysics (São Paulo, Brazil)
PhD, Stellar Astrophysics (São Paulo, Brazil)

Raised catholic, was not religious at all and but started beliving in ███ ███████

Regina was born in São Paulo, Brazil and was the elder daughter by 5 years, her brother was a accident and she got excited that about having a potential partner in crime. Regina was always a curious child, much to her parents displesure, she would be asking endless questions about everything and after a while they began shutting her down, and was mostly considered annoying and strange by peers but teachers apreciated her raw brightness. She was also an accident, which made her parents distant and neglectful, but screaming matches and objects being thrown was a regular occurence.

Could have been more of a troubled teenager but her chronic pain symptomps started settling in early childhood and dismissed as "growing pains". The chronic pain did a number on her energy when she first started dealing with it, and she choose to focous more on pursuing her interest in space studies and decents grades - still Regina still got suspended a few times for standing up for her brother. Her parents didn't care much for what she would do as an adult but were "happy" she got into university and moved into it's housing, creating even more distance save for when Regina visited her brother; they did stop giving her any suppport early into her school year, and kept herself afloat with odd jobs such as store clerk or prep school teacher.

Before her death in early 2020, Regina was living in São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil) with her brother, with a stable job as a member of the Theorical Astrophysics Departament at Egress Laboratories. She kept studying physics, doing research on black holes and wormholes, using any sources she could put her hands on, and turning her dream project into reality; it was a big secret manteined under a mellow façade and extraodinary efforts. Many questions are left unanswered by her, which end up shattering the image that people close to Regina had of her.

Before her death, she lived in an modest apartament with her brother, localized downtown in São Paulo.
Owned a 2016 Toyota Highlander (dark grey). Regina was a regular driver but hated driving for to long cause it became painful, still she drove more than used public transportation due to disability acessibility.
Mostly comfortable, had been working at Egress Laboratories and showing great prowess for about 8 years, making around ~90k Reais annuallly.


Relationship status
Emanuel (younger brother), mother and father

Brief description of your character's social needs here.

In vel sollicitudin urna. Morbi elementum enim in erat tristique scelerisque. In volutpat, justo quis tincidunt sodales, diam eros tempus arcu, in pellentesque lacus ipsum eu nibh.

NAMErelationship label

Description of relationship here

NAMErelationship label

Description of relationship here


Description of relationship here


light brown, white streaks due to stress, wavy
brown, has aniscoria
retangular, small tummy but slender
tends to lean into cane, but mostly upright
voice & accent
Has a paulista accent, putting a lot of emphasis on R's in words such as "porta" or "jupiter". Very deep voice, people tell her it doens't match her face but it matches her personality, mellow but has a sarcastic tone specially around people she's doesn't like. Speaks at a normal volume and can project it easily.

Written description of character appearance here.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In vel sollicitudin urna. Morbi elementum enim in erat tristique scelerisque. In volutpat, justo quis tincidunt sodales, diam eros tempus arcu, in pellentesque lacus ipsum eu nibh.

Vivamus pulvinar lobortis sodales. Vestibulum ligula purus, lobortis quis bibendum non, imperdiet id odio. Suspendisse pharetra ipsum purus, a ullamcorper quam tempor sed. Duis a tortor nisl. Vivamus pulvinar lobortis sodales. Vestibulum ligula purus, lobortis quis bibendum non, imperdiet id odio. Suspendisse pharetra ipsum purus, a ullamcorper quam tempor sed. Duis a tortor nisl.

Physical Ability & Energy

Vivamus pulvinar lobortis sodales. Vestibulum ligula purus, lobortis quis bibendum non, imperdiet id odio. Suspendisse pharetra ipsum purus, a ullamcorper quam tempor sed. Duis a tortor nisl.

Fashion Sense

Vivamus pulvinar lobortis sodales. Vestibulum ligula purus, lobortis quis bibendum non, imperdiet id odio. Suspendisse pharetra ipsum purus, a ullamcorper quam tempor sed. Duis a tortor nisl.

Miscellany and Trivia

creation date
June 2020

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