Willow Huxley (Willow-Extra)



2 years, 5 months ago


Full name: Willow Huxley

Age-Physical: 37.  At time of death: 24 Years old

Status: Deceased

Nationality: New Zealander

Birth place: Rotorua, New Zealand

Current: Los Angles, California, USA

Home planet: Earth.


Antisepeticeye (Partner, co existing with Shade) Shade (Daughter) Leonard and Tabitha Huxley (Parents, deceased) Shade's siblings (Adopted children)

Nicholas Crawford (Future partner)

Friends: The Brody Family, Marvin, Jack/Jackieboy Man, Stacey Brody (Best friend)

Likes: Cooking, her friends and family, her mother's homemade cookies, family value, tea, reading

Dislikes: Chase, mostly for his actions, harm coming to her daughter


A empathic, caring and doting indivual, whose empathy and compassion is her strongest trait, caring deeply for her loved ones especially her daughter and going so far as adopting the husks that were Shade's siblings, making sure she does everything she can to ensure Shade and her family are well looked after and cared for.

She is a true protector and guardian. Nothing dismays Willow more then seeing others hurt and will make it abundantly clear. She also dislikes confrontation and negativity but this is something she has to accept a real world issue. However she will voice her opinions if it is needed.

She is highly opionated and honest. Believes there is good in everyone and therefore always in high spirit and hopeful most of the time. Has a knowledgement of the difference between right and wrong, is always persistent in her values and never gives up.


Willow has all the abilities of a spirit, a spectral form of a deceased human being.

She has kept her eternal beauty and a spirit of pure positive energy as with most good spirits.

As a spirit, she can become invisible and even become solid. Can either appear as a faint apparition or a fully form human being with a soft aura to match. She will also change colour depending on her mood, example; blue if she is sad or upset or red when angry or furious.

She is able to float and go through walls. Is able to summon a dove that will aid in protection.


Willow has her flaws and weaknesses. She can quickly become very emotional and easily puts herself down.

Is way too protective over her daughter.

Is unable to process anything negative

Has been prone to emotional outbursts.