
3 years, 6 months ago


I was trying to make a design to sell but I decided to keep him, like, ten minutes after I started sketching him. :'))

Design notes: Can be drawn in any outfit (even ones not on his ref,) in any of his forms. Design can be simplified when drawn. He can have any of the hairstyles featured on his ref when drawn in any of his forms but no others, please. 

Bio: Kylothodese, often known as Kyle, is a demonic god and a lover of tricks and schemes. Despite even him being unsure of his age, he is one of the younger immortals and is often treated as inferior and childlike by his peers, which isn't unwarranted as he can tend to be very immature and disorderly. He is not evil but tends to be viewed as an antagonist by others as he is know to be malicious in many of his actions. He does not have many desires, he mainly wishes to have fun and be a nuisance to others, he craves attention and only really knows how to get the negative sort of it. Kyle loves learning secrets and is very prone to gossip. He is a very free spirit and doesn't care much for what others have to say, he delights in having a bad reputation.

Kyle is the creator of snakes and wyverns. He takes great pride in these creatures and adores them with all he has, they are one of the few things he cares about. He also has two snake familiars named Archibald and Colbi whom he dotes on. His two snakes can shapeshift and often are worn as long sweater sleeves or bracelets when Kyle is around humans. In times of danger they can take the shape of large wyverns or just wyvern heads for Kyle to use in combat, like in his half-powered form.

He often travels to the mortal realm to play tricks on the humans who live there. He has very powerful magic, even compared to other immortals, and could do great things if he so desired but instead chooses to use his gifts for harmless pranks. 

He is strongest in his true form but doesn't use it often, he is most commonly found in his neutral or human forms. He can shapeshift into other forms as well and enjoys taking the shape of a snake to sneak around or that of a wyvern to spook mortals on occasion.

More info on him and the universe he is in tba, I've been thinking about him a lot, hhsbbjz.