Calamity (Marilu // Kid)



1 year, 10 months ago



Marilu is someone with great energy and who likes to make others around her happy, as well as being super affectionate with those she likes (it doesn't even have to be someone she has known for a long time, she can make friends in minutes if she has opportunity)
But she tends to shy away from conflicts and reacts with anxiety if people are angry and shouting near her. She LOVES cartoons because of her father who introduced them to her and because her family works in races or on the roads she developed a passion for the movie "cars"
-She is usually very direct and honest, so if she doesn't like someone she will tell them to their face
-She is a color shifter just like her mother, so because she is very similar to her mother but doesn't remember much of her father, sometimes she changes her colors to try to look like him. Other times she will have a color palette inspired by the cartoonshe is super fixated on at the time.
-She is very small and light, especially compared to her mother, because of this Cala is sometimes afraid of picking her up or accidentally hurting her (mostly paranoia, but Calamity ends up being extremely careful around her anyway) Marilu on the other hand  doesn't seem to have much sense of self-preservation and always gets into trouble that ends up hurting her, especially when she's playing. Because of this she is often bandaged or with band-aits
-She really likes spending time at her maternal grandparents' restaurant, as they always let her try to help and sneak sweets for her whenever they can