Akara Kiowa



3 years, 6 months ago


≖ Akara Kiowa ≖
(Second generation of the Kiowa Tribe)

Gender: Female
Age: About 23
Sexuality: Primarily straight, but not 100%

≖ Relationships ≖
None as of yet

≖ Personality ≖
Akara is a timid wolf, a quiet speaker and slow to take charge. She has a bunch of anxieties as she is soon to take charge of her tribe, but for now she mostly helps with managing food-stores and small quarrels between the tribe's youngest pups.

≖ Biography ≖
Akara is the second generation of the Kiowa tribe, a fairly large-sized tribe located in a dense forest in the East. She is the daughter of a long-forgotten member of the tribe and the chief, but sadly Akara was the only surviving pup to make it to adulthood. Not because of anything tragic, it's just something that occasionally happens when you live in the middle of a huge forest in the middle of nowhere. Because there are no other Next of Kin, Akara technically resides as the Secondary Chief, or Second in Command, but she manages to scrape by avoiding the subject as much as possible. As time goes on, and as her father gets older, he has been trying to urge for her to take more tasks and to have pups of her own, but she is somehow able to weasel her way out without too many anxieties.