


3 years, 5 months ago


Inanus is the more playful of the Deities
They have a.... unique, power. The Power of void. Those crystals placed on their head and back absorb leftover bits of energy everywhere they go! When the crystals are full they create a portal that can not only teleport anything, but also transport things into other dimensions! Hence why most crossovers are caused by their little pranks. When the crystals arent full though, theyre able to make anything disappear into thin air. If you cant tell, parts of Inanus are completely gone, just holes right through their body! 

Inanus loves messing with Caeli, Constantly teleporting and transferring her everywhere. 

Last little Note: Inanus doesnt go by He/Him or She/Her as they are neither. They dont have a gender nor a sex so Inanus is just Inanus ^^