


3 years, 5 months ago


Black is a big, somewhat mysterious individual who just seems to appear on different spaceships with a desire to help the crews. He (or it?) isn’t a person of many words, as he seems to not be good at speaking, reading, or writing. Black is nonetheless very expressive and tries to go to great lengths to make other people happy. This sometimes backfires due to his obliviousness, occasional clumsiness, and naivety, but the effort is always obvious. 

He either doesn’t have a particularly good memory, is just bad at communication, or both at the same time. Once in awhile he’ll have a revelation or be able to phrase a bit of useful information properly, but on the whole he doesn’t usually aid too well with logistic affairs. His protectiveness and desire to keep others happy comes in handy when people need a body-guard. If Black sees something untoward occur, he’s very quick to report it to the rest of the crew and has no concerns about how much of a target this could make him in the long run. He's only focused on keeping his charges safe.

Black will not remove his helmet while in view of his crewmates under any circumstances. Sometimes he’ll remove his suit (under which there’s a slightly chubby human-looking body), but never his helmet.

Black responds very positively to music of any kind, and sometimes will fidget with his gloves. One of black's most common behaviors is hugging his crewmates as a way to ensure they're alright, or help them feel better if they're feeling down. Despite rarely being able to verbalize it in a 100% cohesive or logical manner, he cares quite a bit about the people around him.

He also only goes by "Black", the color of his suit. No human name, just Black. Whenever someone asks about it he tends to forget about it or change the subject.