ariel 'shade' kane



3 years, 6 months ago


> name: Ariel Kane
> nickname: Shade, Shady
> age: 27 years old
> gender: female (she/her)
> sexuality: lesbian
> height: 5'4" (2 blocks tall)
> species: human
role: warrior

(hh personality wip, still developing)

➳ trivia:
» shade prefers to be called by her nickname by everyone, the only person that knows her real name is xin, orianna, and winter.
» shade's relatively popular in bigger cities in minecraftia, known for her illusion tricks fused with her pvp skills.
» despite being relatively popular, there's actually very little information known about her personal life. she does like her privacy
» very strong, though a little slow and clumsy
» shade does have adhd, often found playing around with her gloves or the little headphone mic and likes to tap her foot or swing her sword around
» she's dating winter, but she doesn't publicize her relationship as she wants to keep winter's life private
» she LOVES hot chocolate, and some chocolate cake! chocolate in general makes her happy