Pavel (03 | Lore)





Once one of the Fatui's "Miracles", an untimely defeat had forced Pavel to leave and defect to align with their enemies. Now, Pavel works in the shadows as an informant to a certain individual; and finds himself conflicted once he finds himself on the receiving end of Snezhnaya's, and by extension the Tsaritsa's, force. Some denial still lingers in his heart about the truth of what he sees, yet a part of him yearns to return home; for reasons much different than one would expect.

— Description from Official Website

Official Introduction

The Crystalline Dancer, what a pile of shambles that one is. He was one of the good ones too, until he couldn’t keep his mouth shut and almost ruined an entire operation, nearly plunging our nation into all out war with Mondstadt. How uncouth, as I had expected better from someone who should have had the poise possessed for a performer. Turns out I was mistaken.

Il Dottore

A well celebrated dancer and former “Miracle” of the Fatui, Pavel is now a resident of Mondstadt after a failed mission that cost him his position in the Fatui. While not exactly an outcast, he makes himself sparse amongst the people of Mondstadt due to a lingering guilt he has over a situation that he had caused many years ago. He is aware of his standing with the people of Mondstadt, and does not intend to bother the regular people of his presence and inconvenience.

Now a resident of the famed Dawn Winery, Pavel now enjoys life as a wine tester and an informant to the Knights of Favonius. He has had a taste of freedom that Mondstadt always stood for, one thing he thought of as absurd in his Fatui days. He enjoys the freedom of sneaking around and using his conveniently bestowed powers to get what he wants out of the remaining Fatui in Mondstadt. He finds that this life may not have as much thrills, but he prefers it to the danger he faced every day back in Snezhnaya.

However; as much as he enjoys this newfound freedom, a sense of justice awakened in his heart. A renewed sense of ambition once he realized that being on the receiving end of the Fatui’s ways was just not right. Every day he aims to be closer to returning to his homeland, not to rejoin the Fatui, but to try and rework their diplomatic methods.

Character Stories

Character Details

Pavel Vasil’yevich Zamyatin, otherwise known as the Crystalline Dancer by regular entertainment connoisseurs and the Golden Grave by the Fatui, he was once a man with much renown, now thought to be dead.

The Steambird once reported that the famed Crystalline Dancer had perished in an accident on the way to Mondstadt on a tour. This was but the result of numerous rumors and without proper evidence nor a body to have been found on the site. Fatui agents who were with him corroborated this story and fed into the lie that they had come across monsters and had failed to protect him. While this was not the most convincing story, this was the best cover up for a national level scandal that the Steambird refused to look into for the sake of their safety and to not get into political issues with Snezhnaya. In his memory, Snezhnayans have erected a monument in their homeland, named the Memory of Crystal Steps.

The world of music and entertainment mourned the loss of the Crystalline Dancer, and the still living man would mourn the man he once was before. While he never truly parted with the cruel methods that were instilled into him, his heart of ice melted for those who would resist the Fatui’s cause. Being at the receiving end of it wall was extremely unpleasant, and he would come to detest that such force and fearmongering were used instead of proper diplomacy.

Pavel, now a new man, aims to make even the smallest dent in the Fatui’s ultimate goals, those that he was made aware of at the very least. He finds the death of his old self, buried in the amber of his pillars, an eye opener. He thanks the universe for giving him this opportunity to change and realize what else was in store for him when he thought his life had ended. With new purpose, he pushes onward, slowly but surely.

Story 1

Pavel is another one of the “Miracles” of the Fatui, or a former one at that now that he had been kicked out. Now his case is a peculiar one. The story goes that when the Doctor took one look at him, he decided to no longer give him a procedure that will enhance his abilities. It is said that he “will naturally awaken to them”, leaving the Doctor bored and bemused with him. What was the miracle? He only needed to get a Delusion without any other procedure to reach his godlike power thresholds. This cannot be said for the other Miracles, not even the first one.

Well, that isn’t the full story. It is true that the Doctor no longer did push through with any procedures on him, this goes even further back to one of Pavel’s earlier performances that year. He had been dancing with a troupe that commissioned him for his expertise, and had been touring all over Snezhnaya. Different people from all walks of life had come to see the troupe perform, but there was one peculiar guest that stood out from the rest.

Other goers to the event had noted them to be that of a strange masked individual, their mask reminiscent of a rabbit. They were hard of seeing, but wanted to appreciate the music they heard. Why not go to the opera instead? No, the hustle and bustle of it all attracted their ears. This; however, was not the truth. In reality, they were a deity forgotten by time, who could see the potential in others and bring them to their highest potential with just a blessing. They were attracted by the abundance of Geo energy, bringing themselves to watch and “see” just who was emitting it.

Eventually they would come to see it was the lead male dancer of the troupe, the Crystalline Dancer who was leaving the audience in awe of his expertise. The god would come to bless Pavel, which made his Vision glow brightly in the height of his performance, leaving another standing ovation. Unknown to Pavel, he had been blessed by a god to reach his highest potential.

This would mean even with a Delusion, he would not experience the adverse effects, and only came to absorb its sheer power when it was bestowed upon him.

Story 2

A Fatui who has fallen from grace over a situation years ago in Mondstadt, it is an open secret shared between the Dawn Winery and the Knights of Favonius.

The situation aforementioned was of one Ludi Harpastum where Pavel and some other Fatui diplomats have been invited to join the merrymaking in good faith. This was an opportunity to strike Mondstadt while it was still weak, too engrossed in the celebrations. However; The Doctor had other plans in store, and Pavel and the other diplomats were left in the dark. Without his knowledge, he is invited to the negotiations where he almost slipped and declared war on Mondstadt by nearly revealing the Fatui’s plans in a nervous moment. It was then revealed to Mondstadt high society that the famed Crystalline Dancer was sponsored by the Fatui.

This led to him later being hunted down by the Darknight Hero and other Fatui Agents working in tandem. The arrival of both parties were a shock and while the Darknight Hero had intended to simply interrogate Pavel, the Fatui present were ordered by the Doctor to eliminate him. Pavel managed to escape interrogation and elimination, and went into hiding until the Doctor no longer took an interest in Mondstadt.

Upon returning to Snezhnaya on his own, he was confronted by numerous squads of Fatui who declared him an enemy. He was greeted by none other than the Doctor, who scowled at his presence and proclaimed that he was no longer useful to the Fatui and deserved to pay for his mistake. In the chaos, Pavel barely managed to escape with his life and surrendered himself to the Darknight Hero in Mondstadt instead, figuring that he could give information on the Fatui’s plans if it would let him live.

This double crossing was bold of Pavel, who was uncertain if he would be spared by both Mondstadt and Snezhnaya. To his surprise, the Darknight Hero still had his uses for him, and this is what led to his now permanent stay at the Dawn Winery for surveillance and to ensure he remained in Mondstadt as an informant to the individual.

Story 3

There is a saying in the Fatui, “The Golden Pillars will mark your grave.” to signify his arrival. It was said this would be whispered to whip less behaved grunts into shape.

Pavel enjoyed a high reputation in the Fatui since his recruitment. He had been recruited by the Fatui under his father’s command, and he was not new to their methods and ways as his father was a minister and was well engrossed in Snezhnayan politics. The Fatui did not scare him, and they were wary of his headstrong attitude when it came to them. Due to his celebrity status, they could not do anything but give into the orders of protection and a certain kind of special treatment befitting of a celebrity recruiter in their organization.

It is said that Pavel was an arbiter among the Fatui, as those whose punishments were not worthy of the Harbinger’s time were brought to him. More often than not, Pavel’s punishments were either death, or such a painful mangling of the body that was considered worse than death. He was cutthroat and cruel when necessary, dealing with his subjects with a smile on his face and telling them they are aware of their transgressions.

His Geo constructs were made of gold and amber, colors that the Fatui came to fear if they were to be on the receiving end of them. The warm gold and amber of Pavel’s magic was almost a symbol of royalty to him, as his subjects and subordinates respected him out of fear of being mangled and crushed to pieces by his constructs. But who gave Pavel such authority over the lesser Fatui anyway? It was none other than the First Miracle, The Doctor, and The Captain. Indeed, Pavel enjoyed not only a high reputation as a dancer, but as an arbiter.

Story 4

Pavel’s background is alarmingly more decorated than one would expect. His father is a minister for the Jester, and his mother is a mage hailing from the famed al-Qamar family in Sumeru. Both sides of the family enjoyed a great deal of prestige among the high society of Snezhnaya, with the miracle’s two parents working in tandem with the Harbingers. While Pavel was not exactly expected to follow in their footsteps, he had been exposed to the Fatui, and decided that he would use his talents to be able to serve the Tsaritsa and the Harbingers.

Pavel’s studies in administrative work were lacking, while his studies in magic proved fruitful and advanced without a hitch. It is said by his mother it is the al-Qamar blood within him that made him excellent and a natural at getting a grip on magic. He found it a shame that he could not do administrative work, but he decided that he would be a mage working under the Harbingers like his mother.

He had a love for dance that went in tandem with his magical studies. His parents quietly dissuaded him from following in their footsteps by convincing him to pursue dance instead. Unaware of their true intentions to keep him as far from the Harbingers as possible, Pavel became a famed dancer at a young age, using his magic for shows and keeping the audience in awe. He was said to be a natural, and his performances were capable of captivating audience with his grace.

However, recruitment to the Fatui also put a wrench in his family’s plans. Interested in the power he had even without a Vision then, the Doctor and the Captain wanted to recruit him into their ranks in order to use as public relations. Helpless against the Harbingers’ wishes, his parents relented, and allowed them to personally recruit him. He was still allowed to dance, as this was his gateway into recruiting new people into the Fatui.

Story 5

The day Pavel gained a Vision still feels fresh in his mind.

He was still freshly 18 when he finally was going to debut as a professional dancer. He had gotten his first commission from the Orlov Dance Troupe who accepted him for his talent. This performance was going to be a make or break for his debut, as the stakes were high and rumors had that the Harbinger the Damselette would be watching. Pavel, wanting to prove himself not only as a performer, but as an agent who was multi-faceted, he had much to lose.

He remembers losing himself in his solo, remembering each and every step and twirl and forgetting that his audience was looking at him with wide eyes and gaping mouths. He imagined himself performing for the Tsaritsa, imagining her cold gaze down upon him. He was young and full of ambition. He had come from a decorated family and imagined glory beyond all imagination.

He imagined a glory that he would bring to Snezhnaya with his dance, with what little power he had without a Vision. He remembers a soft golden glow coming from his chest, and golden glitters spilling from his hands and twinkling wherever his feet landed. His performance had become magical, and his audience stood in applause. He thought it was just his wishful thinking, but when he came back to his senses, a Vision revealed itself before him, and the crowd cheered with even more glee.

He remembers seeing the Damselette applauding silently as well, smiling at him approvingly.

Unsent Letters and Untasted Wine

For the past few years, Pavel had been writing to two homes: his family in Snezhnaya and his family in Sumeru. These stories detailed of his adventures in Mondstadt since he was declared dead, wanting them to know he was alive and well. He wanted to tell them about each and every person he had met, his experiences with them, how he feels about them, and how it feels to be in an unknown land that he now has to call home due to his circumstances.

He remembers the last letters he sent were to his cousin Masir all the way in Sumeru, talking about the snow and how he and his husband would love it when they visit Snezhnaya. Coming to visit the many villages and palaces the place had to offer amidst the biting cold. He talked about how he wanted to see him visit so badly, and that he would take him all over if he could, and if his schedule permitted it.

Another letter he sent before being declared dead was a letter addressed to his parents. He talked about Mondstadt, the dandelions, the wind, the wine and the people. He talked about the peace of the land, and how it was a pity that they would have to be in a losing agreement with Snezhnaya. But such is life, and what they must do for the motherland.

Now, he can send no letters in fear of being found out. He also has multiple detailed notes about the many kinds of wine he tasted in Mondstadt. The different ages of the wine, how refreshing and cool it feels to drink it, the feeling of home when the warmth of the alcohol begins to engulf you as you drink more and more. He even saved many bottles of wine he specifically picked from the Dawn Winery’s refinery just in hopes of sending them home with his love for his family.

“You would love it here.” He always ends his letters this way, and he means it. Mondstadt has no biting cold, but the breeze is lovely and there is a sense of longing when one feels a gentle wind brush their hair and their skin. How he wishes he could send these letters full of love and life and to prove that they have nothing to worry about. He is alive, he is well.

He is free.


While Pavel possesses a Delusion, he does not know how to feel about it anymore.

He remembers it well, just fresh after a certain mundane run in with the Doctor. The latter’s bemusement over how he doesn’t see any reason to experiment on him left the Doctor frustrated, as he was excited over the idea of truly making him into a “miracle”. He recalls vividly what the Doctor had told him.

“You could have had it better under my knife, but it seems whatever “natural talent” you possessed saved you from me. Mark my words, I will make someone stronger than you.”

He did not know if that was a threat or if it was a compliment, but to get the Doctor’s feathers all ruffled like that made him chuckle quite a bit. Small victories, he calls it. However; the celebration of his small victories was interrupted by his father, who was also accompanied by The Jester. The mere presence of the first of the Harbingers had caused the Doctor to leave in a huff.

Pavel’s father was beaming with excitement, telling him that the Jester had a gift from the Tsaritsa that she wanted to bestow upon him. The Jester handed him a Delusion in exchange for his Vision. Pavel, none the wiser, gladly handed his Vision over to the Harbinger and accepted the gift with a whole heart.

While this was such a big thing for Pavel’s father, the mundaneness of it all watered down the impact of receiving the Delusion in the first place. No ceremony, no ritual, nothing. Just a handing over and a few words.


  • His fighting style is a good mix of Russian Ballet and the Georgian National Ballet and it's extremely dynamic and fluid.
  • Initially, Pavel was bored of Mondstadt. He has his complaints about it, but elsewise he learned to adjust to the place and it does end up making him feel at home.
  • Unsurprisngly, Pavel loves alcohol. If he cannot risk to be seen in Angel's Share, then he is in the wine cellars of Dawn Winery, much to Diluc's dismay.
  • He jokes at one point he lived in Diluc's wine cellar, there are some indicators that his "joke" might actually turn out to be true.
  • Pavel actually does give Mora to the Traveler to buy him some souvenirs from their travels. He likes collecting local specialties.
  • While he is not one to be openly emotional with others, it actually can show much better in his dancing.
  • He prefers to be called by his nickname, Pasha, since it feels more familiar; but he tries to keep his attachments to a minimum.
  • The Fatui have a saying about Pavel, and it's "The Golden Pillars will mark your grave." These are usually thrown as threats to enemies to signal Pavel's arrival.
  • Currently, Pavel is listed as Missing In Action (MIA) among the Fatui. Some have given up the search believing he is actually dead.
  • Pavel has many unsent letters to home, because if he sent them, that would alarm the Fatui that he is alive. He hides these unsent letters in a tightly locked box.
Base by Erandia
Edits by Rengalia