Queen Christabelle The SnowBee


Basic Info








Snow Bee








16th January


Queen Of The Snow Kingdom

Home Kingdom

Snow Kingdom


Christabelle is the ruler of the Snow Kingdom and as such does her best to be someone her subjects can rely on and ask for help. She likes to think of herself as a stern by fair leader who likes to have fun with her subjects and enjoys walking around and socializing with them when not taking care of official matters and has earned the respect and love of her kingdoms subjects. Her kingdom is isolated from the outside world as it is located at the top of a snow peeked mountain with only one way in which is heavily guarded as the neighboring kingdom and hers dislikes one another heavily, because of this visitors to her kingdom are rare and when they do get the permission to enter they have to go through the Queen Christabelle herself before enjoying anything her Kingdom has to offer. Christabelle gets a kick out of messing with her new visitors to the kingdom and loves to pull weird pranks to scare them before revealing that its all a game and everything completely fine and inviting them for a drink.Speaking of drinking that's one of Christabelles favorite pastimes and will spend a good majority of her night drinking her problems away with her subjects at the local bar and gambling all of her spare change away before being escorted/pulled away from her fun by her assistant Yuki. Christabelle isn't in debt yet but if she keeps this up she will be, thankfully her subjects don't take advantage of her otherwise she absolutely would be in debt. Despite her confident attitude Christabelle has a lot of worries hidden deep down in her like how short she is for a leader and to combat this she wears big chunky heels to make her feel at least slightly better about her height, but aside from her lack of height Christabelle has an even deeper concern which is her lack of a Husband. Her subjects always plague her with questions like, "When are you going to settle down with a nice man" or "Aren't you getting to old to have kids?", which drive her mad. She's never found anyone that she's had feelings for in her life and she's incredibly self conscious about never dating anyone or even having her first kiss that when things like this are brought up she gets all shy and tries to divert from the topic so she doesn't have to think about it, however her assistant Yuki does like to tease her with these things ever so often so she can see the softer side of her.


Queen Jewell The Ram


Gemstones, Gambling & Alcohol


Not Being In Control, Being Broke & Being Single

Favorite Food

Honey Comb Ice Cream & Beer

Fun Facts

• She is probably my favorite ruler out of all of my kingdoms leaders. • She finds using the stinger on her tail too embarrassing to use in an actual fight which is why she developed tiny bee's to help her fight.