Olga Coelho



3 years, 6 months ago


Olga Coelho

My heart is like ahaunted house/ There's things in there that scratch about

Olga was born into a wealthy family, that sent her away when she had a mental brekdown. She spent her teenage years on a catholic boarding school, rarely seeing her parents, specially after her siblings were born. At school she used her time to read about the pretty much everything and having a "rebellious" phrase that was somewhat violent and destructive, but she grew out of it and her parents solved all that past.

Even if a result of early on parental pressure, Olga showed interest in the family businnes, the space & universe research laboratory that was temporaly closed. She reopened Egress Laboratories and commands it with a stern hand, keeping its research under various layers of security but still selling various products related to space - her determination made so they became the most advanced in the area. Olga nowdays tends to keep to herself, not having many friends and strongly prefering to be left alone, so she can read and learn more.
