Basic Info

Available for breedings;

OOC only


Name: Dracul | Pronouns: he/him/they | Age Range: appears early 20's | Orientation: bisexual

Dracul is an Infernal (a demon-like being) with the defining sin/vice of pride. As an Infernal of Pride he has the common traits of his ancestors-- ambitious, defensive, and self-confident. As well as a tad egotistical. He lives to impress others, and wants to make a name for himself. Unfortunately, Infernals not in their home realm are susceptible to death by injury and illness. He makes a deal with Mr. Dark to join his carnival, in exchange for invulnerability so that he can achieve his goals without risking his life. He eventually ends up training under Juliette to learn to accompany her on her high-wire/acrobatic act. His mother Remy is very proud of him, and often comes to the earthen plane to watch his shows.