


3 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Rosaura Maria


Doll Wizard, Cursed Wizard


200 years old






April 2nd


Western Country




Silver Rings




Wood carving tools






Light blonde


Dark brown, almost black


Dolor Exultant Lusibus


Rosaura was born in the West and abandoned as a child once it was realized that he was born a wizard. In turn, he was picked up by an older man who was surprisingly kind for a human. Rosaura soon realized that it was because the older man's student, a young child with striking white hair, was also a wizard. While Rosaura was raised by the old man, whose name was Geppetto, he was taught the art of puppetry along with the man's student named Pio. Rosaura became much closer with Pio, and sooner or later they were inseperable.
As they got older, they ended up out living their elderly teacher as expected. Feeling unsafe where they were living, they took to the road and made a living doing puppet shows on the streets. They would travel around the Western country and usually perform to the richer audiences, often staying in hotels and the like. Their performances often came with musical accompaniment, as Rosaura was a gifted singer and Pio knew how to play the violin. Their performances weren't super popular, but they did well enough to live off of it.
Pio was also interested in training their magic to become more powerful, and was often picking fights with other wizards. They had a special interest in mana stones and souls, specifically what it would take to keep them intact after death. Rosaura didn't mind, though they got into arguments a lot whenever Pio would put themselves into danger. Eventually, as the two got older, they started to grow more and more fond of each other. The two realized their feelings when they tried to confess to each other at the same time. Since then, they've been together as a couple.
But this is Mahoyaku, where everyone's backstories are tragic in some way, and Rosaura's is no exception. A few years ago, the couple was attacked while travelling in the North. Pio had upset a wizard by provoking them, and they ended up being attacked because of it. Though they fought for their lives, and thought they were able to retreat, Rosaura lost his life trying to protect Pio. Pio, who was overcome with grief, managed to hide Rosaura's stone from their attackers, and then fled the scene into an old barn. Not wanting to be left alone, they used their wood carving skills to build a life-size replica of Rosaura's body. And using Rosaura's left over stone, they placed it inside the new body they created for him and focused all of their magic into him to bring him back to life. With the strength of their heart, it worked, and Rosaura was brought back to life.
Feeling intense guilt over Rosaura's death, Pio erased his memories of them and their life together, then fled from his side as soon as he woke up. Once Rosaura woke, he had forgotten he had ever died, and he assumed he was attacked and cursed since his body was made of wood and stiff. His only clue to who the curser? An ornate medallion with the symbol of a tree on it, a symbol of his old teacher that he has now forgotten.


  • Stoic He is very stone faced, but not by choice. He cannot make very intense expressions, as his wooden faces limit him. It even hurts sometimes if he tries too hard. People often mistake him for being shy because of his lack in expressions.
  • Sarcastic This surprises people, as most assume he is a quiet or even shy person. His biting remarks seem to hit harder with the lack of facial expressions as well.
  • Distrustful He's a bit distrustful of others, never knowing who could be the person that cursed him. He keeps the medallion close by him in order to track down the person.
  • Cowardly He doesn't like fighting or putting himself in harms way, so he prefers to stay out of harsh battles. However, he will support from a safe distance with his own magic, and will even heal a small amount if needed.
  • Judgemental He is slightly judgey, like a gossip type. He acts cordial to most people, but if he truly dislikes you he will let it be known.
  • Likes snakes, ouji fashion, puppets, dolls, and making money.
  • Dislikes fighting, fire, and rain.


  • Hair Blonde and cropped at shoulder length. It looks like real hair, but feels fake like thin strands of thread.
  • Eyes A dark brown, almost black. Soulless.
  • Stature Short and rigid. His movements are slightly limited, but he's able to hide it when he needs to.
  • Wooden Skin Though his skin looks normal at first glance, it is actually hard and smooth like pale wood. However, he can still feel pain, even with his limbs detached, he just does not shed blood. He also cannot swim, for he floats in water.
  • Detachable Limbs His limbs can be detached easily, which he has to do at times in order to keep his limbs from going stiff. Do not be alarmed if you see him popping his arm off every once in awhile.
  • Makeup He wears a light amount of makeup- mainly concealer and some paint- on his face to hide the wooden texture on his skin, and the obvious lines that show how his mouth moves up and down. This is mainly for when he goes out in public, which is a lot.
  • Crest The lily crest which burns itself into a newly appointed Sage's wizard is located on the back of his neck. Ironically, he equates it to a doll maker's mark to identify the dolls they make as their creation.


  • Strings From his rings comes red strings that can attach themselves to anything physical; people, animals, objects even. He can control the movements of those that are living, and those that are not he can swing around like a pendulum or a yo-yo. He uses this magic to control his puppets.
  • Shrinking He can shrink himself into the size of a doll or puppet. In this form, he cannot move on his own, and must be carried. He doesn't use it often unless to hide.
  • Magic Storage He has charmed a small string bag to be able to store anything and everything. This way he can travel light.
  • Woodcarving A non magical ability that he is quite skilled at. He has made all of his own puppets.