


3 years, 9 months ago


Orientation: Idk lmao

Sassy and bold, Maybe is a force to be reckoned with. Leader of a small ragtag gang of mutants, Maybe takes her position seriously and with great pride. After overhearing her parents planning to hand her over to authorities after developing a Talent, Maybe fled from home and took on a new name. The state of the hellish city she was born in was already motivator enough to stir up the idea in her head, but running for her life down alleyways solidified her want to find other mutants like herself and band together to fight back against the prejudice elite who wish to wipe people with Talents out of existence. Her comrades know her as headstrong, optimistic, and frustratingly sarcastic. It's a common inside joke among the gang that if new potential members can't handle Maybe's sauce then they simply weren't fit to join anyway. Her snippy remarks are only topped by her work ethic, there is never a moment where she sits still, constantly giving orders, running missions, working in her studio, or any other number of tasks. Her brash attitude can be difficult for some to handle, but all in all she's a kind woman who you know will have your back when you need it most. When Maybe isn't busy with leadership duties you can find her fiddling around in her tattoo studio messing with new inks she's creating. Her tattooing is purely a hobby she does for members only, though most of the time she's tattooing herself for the hell of it. Being an artist and predictably wanting some flare, Maybe manipulates her ink into the shapes of animals such as tigers and bears to fight. It takes a greater tax on her this way but she think's it's wicked looking so isn't concerned about the extra strain.

Talent: Ink secretion and manipulation